You have finally decided to sell your house and now that the decision was made you also want to get that over with as quickly as possible. Even if your home is relatively new or if its well preserved and in a good shape, there are still some tweaks and tricks to make it look even better and thus help you sell it much faster than you normally would. Mythical Maids are willing to share some of the most useful hints on how to pretty up your home and make a fast and satisfactory sale.
Check out the below points to sell your home faster:
Some Minor upgrades
You can apply these small upgrades yourself basically with a hammer and nail. The goal is to fix holes in the wall, repair cabinets and baseboards and all those other little fixes you’ve always postponed because they never really bothered you, but they might bother a potential buyer so it’s time to finally get to them. Make sure you equip yourself with the right power tools because you don’t want to spend too much time doing this.
A thorough and professional cleaning
Your home is your cave and no matter how dirty or stuffy it might be that probably doesn’t bother you that much. When it comes to selling this property you need to make sure it’s clean and fresh looking because the first impression a potential buyer gets usually determines their final decision. In order to achieve the level of professional, deep and thorough cleanliness, you need to hire a reputable Bay Area maid service who would give your home a fresh new look in a matter of hours.
More light
Good lighting is one of those make it or break it factors. A poorly lit property from the moment you step in the backyard, all the way to the interior gives an overall unwelcoming atmosphere of dim and dirty place even though you might actually prefer that. Add more lamps, remove dark rugs, drapes and furniture to achieve a more spacey and open atmosphere.
A new paint job
Another thing that you might have postponed, well now is the right time to give your house a fresh new paint job it deserves. There’s no need to pick some eccentric colors or crazy designs. Keep it warm, welcoming and family like with blue, beige and white paint. These colors are neutral for home and whoever considers buying is not going to mind.
Presentation is everything and getting a professional photographer with a good camera and photoshop skills would make a fine online presentation. When people see these photos they will know you mean business and you might even gain some exclusivity and increase the price. Anyway, putting professional photos of your house on Facebook or Instagram will surely attract more people. Take help from Property buying company to sell your house more quickly.
Picking the right price
Hire an agent, let them do a full inspection of the house and then you can sit together and make a price range. The agent will give their professional opinion and a real price depending on multiple factors and then you can decide whether you want to wait and see if the price would grow, or if you want to sell it quickly by opting for a lower price.
Prepare it for visits
You need to enable your visitors to move around the house unhindered by clutter or poorly placed furniture, nobody wants to walk in on a messy house they might consider buying. Remember, you need to leave a good impression, and you can do that by removing all the unnecessary stuff and rearranging the stuff you decide to leave. Anything to improve your presentation.
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