On their official blog, Psyonix has posted the Rocket League Fall 2019 Roadmap to give players a glimpse at what they can expect to see in the game. In the past, players have seen things such as Rocket League black market decals and Rocket League wheels. But now, they will get to see much bigger things. To begin with, the developers first confirmed that players enjoyed the Radical Summer event. For those who don’t know, this event started on June 10, 2019, and it featured free items, new Premium Licensed DLCs, limited-time game modes, and much more.
According to Psyonix, millions of matches were played in the limited-time modes featured during the event. And now that it has ended, they want to talk about the future.
Rocket Pass 3 Extended
To start with, the developers confirmed that they have been listening to the feedback provided by players and have hence decided to extend the Rocket Pass 3. According to them, they know that the gap between Rocket Pass 2 and Rocket Pass 3 was too long, so they have decided to extend the third pass so players can get more time with it.
Changes in Rocket Pass 4
Because of the extension, the Rocket Pass 3 will be live until August 27, and the next Rocket Pass will go live on the next day, on August 28. However, keep in mind that no new weekly challenges will be added to the extended pass. In addition to this, the developers also confirmed that there will be some changes to the next Rocket Pass. The changes are linked with the Weekly Challenge System. They have decided to make the weekly challenges stay active throughout the duration of the pass, meaning that you will be able to complete challenges from previous weeks as long as the Rocket Pass 4 is live.
Competitive Season 12
The Competitive Season 11 is also coming to an end, on August 27. However, Psyonix has confirmed that the next season will begin on the same day after a small title update. This means that players won’t have to wait a lot to jump into Season 12. In addition to this, there are going to be some amazing and exciting rewards for the next season, something that we have been seeing in the previous competitive seasons. There will be rewards for Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Champion, and Grand Champion ranks. Aside from this, the unique Extra Mode Grand Champion titles are also going to make a return from the previous seasons.
Audio Changes
Previously, some players claimed that there was some issue with the audio after the previous update. However, this will not be the case this time as Psyonix has confirmed that they are planning to introduce some audio changes in the next update. They are planning to feature High Dynamic Range Audio with the next game update on August 27 in order to improve the audio quality. The new sound system is definitely going to make things much better.
Other Important Things
Aside from all this, following are the remaining important things mentioned in the Fall 2019 Roadmap.
New Stats, Haunted Hallows, and Improved Tournament System
Psyonix is planning to add two new stats to all game modes, that are “High Five” and “Low Five.” High Five will be when you will hit your teammate in midair after scoring a goal. As for Low Five, this will be when you will do the same but on field level. In addition to this, there is going to be another stat specially made for Hoops. This will be achieved when you will score a goal without letting the ball touch the rim.
The third installment of the Haunted Hallows is also in the works for this fall. The developers are working day and night to make sure that everyone loves. In addition to this, those who enjoy playing Rocket League tournaments will get to see an improved tournament system. Psynoix is referring it to as Tournaments 2.0 that will feature automated and scheduled tournaments for players to join. And finally, the developers have also given an update on some features such as the Party-Up System, Inventory Management, and improvements to the player-to-player trading system. According to them, all of these are still in development, but they are planning to release them in late 2019.
Rocket League was released on July 7, 2015, for the PC and PS4. Xbox One users got to enjoy the game after one year, on February 17, 2016, while the game arrived on the Nintendo Switch in November 2017. The game has been praised for the kind of gameplay it features, as well as its graphics and overall presentation. At the beginning of 2018, it was reported that the game has more than 40 million players playing the game, and that number has increased this year.
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