Road Trip With Your Baby!

Road Trip With Your Baby!

Congratulations, new parent! You have begun one of life’s greatest adventures, raising a child from infancy to adulthood! To be sure, there will be some tears along the way, but the joys will far outweigh them. Now you can begin to show this exciting new world to your baby, and one of the best ways to do that is to take a road trip! There is something about riding along in a car that babies seem to love, the feeling of motion, even the bumps in the road can illicit a hearty laugh from your fascinated child!

Now, before you go, there are going to be some important things that you need to take along with you, which you can find at Kiddie Country, they have everything you can imagine for your baby’s needs, from bottles to baby clothes and beyond! So let’s get started on your car trip checklist!

Car Seat

This is one of the most important things you will ever purchase for your child, it could literally save their life! The old-fashioned front-facing seats have gone way out of style, in fact, they will very likely be illegal soon, so don’t use one, even if you have inherited it from an older sibling or a friend! Make an investment in your child’s safety and get a new rear-facing seat that will better protect your baby in the unfortunate event of a car accident.

Formula Or Breast Milk

We probably don’t need to tell you because you are a conscientious parent, but we will anyway, under no circumstances should you ever be tempted to breastfeed an infant in a moving car, just don’t do it! Never ever! If baby gets hungry find a safe place where you can completely pull off the road like a rest area or a parking lot. A really great thing to do is plan ahead and have some breast milk or formula prepared in a bottle in the cooler, if your baby is old enough to hold it and feed themselves you can keep moving while they happily suck away!


Start the trip off right with a fresh one before you leave, then make sure you have plenty for the road! Needing a new nappy when you are miles from the nearest supply is not going to make for a happy journey, for you or for baby! We will add wet wipes here for when you need to make that change!

Extra Clothing

Sometimes accidents happen, and we aren’t talking about the car thank goodness, but those times when the nappy fails the stress test and things begin to leak out- well, you know what we are talking about! Clean your little stinker up with your wet wipes, slap on a new nappy, and put clean, happy baby in a nice, new change of clothing! You had probably better bring along more than one change of clothes, that lovely car motion also seems to have a loosening effect on certain baby bodily functions…

Enjoy your ride with baby, and remember that getting there is half the fun!