As an employer, it is very important for you to employ the right person with an extraordinary personality. As the saying goes, the first impression is the last impression. This saying is true whether you are recruiting a new employee or you are sending one of your employees for business development. It is hence very much important your value has a good personality because for the market he will be the face of your company. Personality cannot just be called the gestures and postures of a person; it includes overall thinking, dressing sense, the tone of communication and much more. Every organization while hiring new employees always prioritizes the personality in addition to educational qualifications.
In the society for various professions, there are unwritten rules that one needs to dress in a certain way as well as behave in a way that can make him prove the right choice for the concerned job. While hiring any candidate, the HR needs to know if the concerned person possesses the same attributes or not which is tested with the help of various tests and tools. Some of these tools are designed by the experts of the market.
Personality tests play a vital role in hiring your employees, and hence as a business, you must make sure that the right kind of employee is hired.
4 aspects of human personality
As mentioned earlier, human personality is a very wide term and cannot be generalized as to how a person looks and dresses. The personality assessment experts have classified human personality in 4 aspects.
Positive Personality Traits
The positive personality test uses a Semantic Differential Scaling method to evaluate an employee’s personality. The test duration is 20-25 minutes, and there are 86 questions to be answered. This test is state of the art, proof-based test using which an employer can understand whether the employee would be able to handle critical tasks. Positive Personality Traits test also lets an employer know the behavioural conduct of an employee which benefits the employer in knowing how much profit an employee can bring to the company during heated situations. This test uses “Big five” personality framework to understand and evaluate an employee’s personality. Moreover, this tool is customizable which means it can be programmed according to organizational requirements as per different organization. The data which is used as test material is collected from several thousand people from different nations and it is made sure that the data includes people from different age groups, genders, jobs and occupational levels.
Inspirational Value for the work
For an employee to succeed in his field of work, it is very much important that he loves the work he does. If an employee does not get job satisfaction, then he will not be able to perform well which means it would be a loss for him and the organization he is working for. Hence it is crucial that the employee is always motivated to do his job and perform all the duties as a part of his responsibility. The more inspirational workforce means, the more business for the company, and hence every employer has to make sure that the employee is inspired to do better than he did before. The test for inspirational value is conducted keeping in mind three requirements of an employee which are need of money, need of recognition and the hunger for achievement. By using this test, an organization can select people for managerial positions which include hiring people, training new employees, getting a group of people working together. This section of the test consists of 16 questions, and the duration is 10 minutes. These 16 questions are several types of statement which has to be inferred by the test taker, and the scores are evaluated on a 5 point Likert scale.
Dark Personality Traits
It is significant to know the strengths of your employee, but it is even more important to know the weaknesses of your employee. It may happen that a certain employee does not like to do a certain type of work but with the boss’s order, he has to do it happily or unhappily. During such cases, most employees do the work unhappily which in turn result in carelessness, ignorance and missing the deadline. There are six types of dark personality traits which are opportunism, thrill-seeking, impulsiveness, temper, insensitiveness and self-obsession. A certain employee may want a certain work to do but cannot get the work directly, so he tries the method of manipulation or plain deceit to make it work for him. Sometimes an employee can be thrill seeker meaning that even though there is a risk involved according to his best knowledge he would still do that thing. Some employees feel annoyed even by slight actions and misinterpret that as a provocation. Many employees can be impulsive meaning that they would do something without giving it a second thought and act in an unusual manner. There are employees in the organizations who are always thinking about their personal gains which may negatively affect your business.
Sometimes, some dark traits are required to do certain kind of a job so it does not mean that your employee should have all the dark traits or no dark traits. Dark traits should be present but in a manner which benefits the company and the people who work with that employee.
Cognitive Skills
The modern business market has a cut-throat competition. One mistake can cost your company a lot of money. Hence it is very important that the people you hire analyze and evaluate important business situations in a logical manner rather than an impulsive manner. It is important that the decision-making process is done by professionals who are highly logical and possess thoughtful thinking. The cognitive skills test is designed keeping in mind every situation that an employee may have to face in the professional world. Hence such tests can be used for the hiring process, the learning and development process and entrance examinations.
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