Undertaking a new home improvement project can be exhilarating, at least until the costs start piling up. For most homeowners, the garage is one of those often talked about, never executed, home improvement dreams. Sure, there might be a spring cleaning or a little shuffling of boxes and bins, but ultimately the garage remains the same.
If you are planning to take the plunge and revamp your garage, you don’t have to let it hit you where it hurts you, the wallet. There are a multitude of ways to breathe new life into the garage without breaking the bank.
Create a Plan
Instead of starting the project and changing direction halfway through, start off with a clear goal in mind. Conduct extensive research – either through Pinterest, blogs, and other sites where tips and tricks might be hiding.
This will help collect input and ensure all avenues are being considered. When you are ready to start making purchases, you know you will have done so after price comparing, coupon clipping, and researching for the best deals.
Get Creative
Is your garage door a little too plain for your liking? Do you want to make it more interesting without completely replacing the door?
Think outside the box on this one. For example, achieve a timeless carriage house look by simply painting “windows” and adding door handles. It creates the appearance of a timeless look without the hassle and expense.
Other options include painting it entirely. Perhaps spice up a faded aluminum door with a faux wood finish. It will make your garage look fancy from the outside, even if it ends up staying the same on the inside. It’s a new look without a new door.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Revamping a garage wouldn’t be complete without a deep cleaning. However, instead of pitching knickknacks or moving boxes from one corner to the other, really dig in. It is quite possible storage solutions, organization solutions, and the right revamping materials are simply hiding in the garage.
Supplies useful for a revamp might already be available. At the same time, you can decide what to pitch and plan a garage sale or donation of old goods. Either way, your trash is someone else’s treasure.
Become a Super Saver
If you find ways to cut down on bills, your budget might inflate enough to go all out on a garage re-do. Try insulating the garage door and trapping heat inside the home. Summer and fall are a great time to do this without the hassle of snow. Ultimately, it will cut down energy bills year-round.
Freshen Up
Sometimes a tired space just needs a fresh coat of paint – literally. Garage walls don’t have to be a plain white – spice it up!
Make the space more fun for everyone with different colors. This isn’t limited to just the walls though. You can also apply cement stain to the floor. Both ways are great for introducing new vibrancy and color to the space.
Know the Experts Before Calling the Experts
Going back to finding the best deal means always working with reputable companies. Even the best do-it-yourselfer knows when to call the expert.
However, just because a business advertises a certain way doesn’t mean they will always deliver a certain way. Instead, take the time to shop around – not only for the best company but the best quote.
This is especially true if the task is new to you. If you’ve never thought about concrete resurfacing, maybe do some research on the process first before looking for vendors. This way, you will understand the process and know when a concrete Perth company is pulling out all the stops to help you. A reputable and reliable provider should give you detail about the various types of work they do and fully explain the process. They will also give you a quote to give you peace of mind before project preparation begins.
The Takeaway
Home projects are exciting – but they don’t have to expensive too. The garage space has so much potential if approach from the right mindset. These tips will help keep you within budget and still happy at the end of project completion.
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Loves home. I am here to provide how to make your home a much better place. 🙂 Blogging about HomeDecor, Home Improvements and more.
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