Every one knows “My name is Bond… James Bond”
Most of the cricket loving fans have changed this to “Bond.. Shane Bond ” and they have been missing him from November 2007.
Shane Edward Bond showed his class in the opening series which he played against the two best cricket playing nations , South Africa and Australia in 2002 and took 21 wickets
in 7 matches and was adjudged the Man of the Series. The australians were blindfolded with his speed and accuracy.Though his body couldnt help him in acheiving more he gave his best to New Zealand cricket which always struggles with their fast bowlers. And the story repeated with him too as he could only play 17 tests and had to hang up his boots beacuse of the injuries. httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnepnNAHiPw
New zealand had never lost a test in which he played. This shows how much impact he puts on the team and the pressure on the opposite team.
From a profession of traffic policeman, he turned himself into a job which was more of a pain to him, both mentally and physically. When he looks back into his career the time which he didn’t play was more than the time in which he played. But when he did play, he tore the oppsoite team into pieces with his lethal weapons pace and swing.
New Zealand cricket will be thankful to him for his spirit and commitment. Though the statistics doesnt show his calibre but bond is one of his kind and unique in every sense.
He maynot be the MC Graths,The wasims and the Pollock but he could have been one of them.
The decision of him to join the ICL was right in his sense because he was paid lot more than what he use to get and most of the time he was out of the team due to injuries. But for him not to be seen in the international scenario was due to BCCI which used its money power to make other boards to ban the players who play in ICL. The players didnot know that they would not be allowed to play for the country when they signed the contracts of ICL . The credit goes to BCCI.
Though bond entertained us in brief spells it would have been great if he wouldnt have missed the last 18 months . He anoounced his re entry in the second T20 Game against srilanka.Lets hope he does entertain us for many years to come and reach many heights and break records in the years to come.
Welcome back MR Bond …
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