Sooner or later, garage door repair will be necessary, regardless of which brand the consumer prefers. The master will arrive quickly to eliminate the malfunction. Focusing when placing an order on the advantages and disadvantages of each of the production brands, the service engineer will prepare for the upcoming repair.
When working, it’s better to use only quality original spare parts from manufacturers of gates and automatics.
The need for garage door repair is usually not caused by design flaws or incorrect installation of the door, but by the intensity and duration of use. Why are manufacturing defects and poor-quality installation reasons for garage door repair cancelled immediately?
Because it is simply impossible to assemble, install, check, and demonstrate the door’s operation to the client in their presence, and even more so to operate it for a long time after installation without repairing it.
Causes of Breakdowns
With timely maintenance, doors are designed to serve and enjoy their work for a very long time, however, like any equipment, mechanism, they are inherent in breakdowns. It’s recommended our customers to have their doors serviced in good time to minimise the risk of breakdowns.
- Incorrectly assembled
- High wear and tear of mechanisms and automatics
- Damage during operation. Important: Before driving, check whether the gate is open!
- Lack of maintenance at least once a year
- Violation of operating rules
- System failure
- Voltage fluctuations
Repair of Garage Door Spring-Inertia Mechanism With Torsion Springs and Tension Springs
The most frequent reason for repair is the wear of the spring-inertia mechanism (springs). It is not by chance that manufacturers indicate in the accompanying documentation figures from 25,000 to 35,000 operating cycles. So, no matter what brand of gate was not installed, after overcoming the specified on the nameplate or in the datasheet limited number of opening-closing springs will need help. If the springs are simply stretched but can still serve, the installation team repairing garage doors will simply tension them, adding the number of turns (turns). If the springs are already worn out and there is nothing to tighten, they will be replaced with new ones.
The cables on which the canvas hangs are also subject to wear and tear. Sometimes it is enough just to untangle them and put them back in place. When the cable breaks and further operation is impossible, the master will quickly replace it with a new one.
Repair of Automatic Garage Door
The second most common reason for the repair of automatic garage doors is a failure in the work of automation. It can be caused by voltage fluctuations and disconnections, in this case, it is enough to restore the settings of the control unit, and everything will work. If the automation has already exhausted its resources and repair with the replacement of spare parts is very expensive, the most reasonable is to install a new drive; it will be a lot cheaper. In any case, any specialist will quickly determine the cause of failure and offer options for solving the problem.
Very often, automatics fail in winter or summer heat, or rather, at sharp temperature changes, when the drive works at the limit of its capabilities. Sometimes, at night, frosts below minus 25—30 degrees Celsius or daytime heat over +35 degrees Celsius, the actuator may be blocked for a while. As soon as the air temperature rises or falls to the working mark, the drive will independently resume its work. Although during the installation of automatics, customers are instructed about the peculiarities of operation in winter and during extreme heat, when there is a possibility of overheating or overcooling of the drive, many people try to warm or cool the drive itself, independently switch it off, forgetting that any external influence can lead to blocking of the automation system. In this case, a qualified repair will be required, as well as in the case when the customer tries to open the actuator housing by himself.
Repair of Locks and Guides
Another common reason for repair is the customer’s attempts to manually open a door that is locked with automation. Attempts to manually operate the lifting mechanism in this case are not successful. Without unlocking the drive can not do without it.
Sometimes, however, problems also arise with gate locks working without automatics. Intensively shaking and pulling the door leaf from the outside can only disrupt the perfectly aligned geometry of the guides, which will lead to serious damage to the door.
Garage Door Leaf Repair, Replacement of Sections and Panels
This is number three in the ranking of garage door malfunctions. Careless parking close to the garage, manoeuvres by loading equipment or unauthorised attempts to open the garage often result in unsightly dents, deflections or even breaks in the door leaf. In this case, garage door repair is reduced to the replacement of damaged sections. Just pull out the damaged section and put a new one in its place without removing the door leaf; it is not possible, so you should not do it yourself.
A professional installation team completely disassembles the damaged leaf, pulling out the sections from the frame and releasing the hinges one by one, then reassembles it, replacing the damaged pieces with new sections. At the same time, it is necessary to carry out a complete adjustment of all the doors’ units and mechanisms, including the spring-inertia mechanism.
In conclusion, garage door repairs, regardless of the brand or model, are an essential aspect of maintaining the functionality and safety of your home. The myriad of potential issues, from spring-inertia mechanism wear to automation failures and damage to the door leaf, highlight the importance of timely, professional maintenance and repair.
By choosing original spare parts and relying on experienced service engineers, homeowners can ensure their garage doors operate smoothly for years to come. It is not just about fixing immediate problems but about preserving the longevity and reliability of these vital home mechanisms.
Remember, proper care and regular maintenance can significantly reduce the likelihood of breakdowns and extend the life of your garage door, ultimately saving time, money, and inconvenience.
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