Even though therapy has been talked about for days, people still have reservations about going to couple’s therapy. Most couples wait until they are at their breaking point before they go to a counselor. Often at this point, it is too late for them.
Couples therapy is something that you should embrace and make a part of your marriage. Jim Brillon, a marriage counselor, advises couples to go for counseling before they commit. It is also important for you to do so when you feel like there unresolved issues between you. Here are the other reasons you should go for marriage counseling
It helps you set realistic expectations
One of the things man people do when they get into a relationship is doing so with a mindset on what they think their partner should be. They make assumptions and make their partners look superhuman. In an actual sense, these people are human and bound to make mistakes just like everyone else. Through marriage counseling, one can set realistic expectations of their partner. The counselor helps you lower those expectations and be more gracious to your partner when it comes to your perception of them.
It helps with communication
You often meet a person who had a different upbringing and a different outlook on life. The only way you can make you work together is if both of you communicate properly. If you do not understand your partner, then chances are you will not know what they want, and they might not know what you want either. More often than not, this leads to conflict. Learning how to communicate with your partner will ensure that you can resolve an issue amicably without turning it into a huge fight or resenting your partner.
It helps with accountability
Many times the marriage counselor will become an accountable person for the couple. If, for instance, there have been issues with communication in the relationship, the counselor can ask the couple to work on certain things. The couple will then report to the counselor, and they can tackle the next issue. In such a situation, the counselor ensures that the couple is deliberately working on themselves to resolve whatever issues they have. The therapist also ensures that they keep working on themselves even when they have no problems.
Therapy helps the couple connect better
Most of the time, couples who go to therapy hardly make time for each other. In making time for therapy, also make time for each other. It helps them appreciate each other more and draws them close together. If they had nothing in common, therapy acts as common ground for them.
Whether you have a problem in your relationship or things seem to be okay, never underestimate the importance of therapy, and marriage counselling Sydney can help strengthen and support your bond. You should go for therapy before committing to the relationship and make it a point to go for therapy everyone in a while. It will remind you of our vows and ensure you keep working on your relationship.
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