Reasons to Consider Taking Your Employer to Court

Reasons to Consider Taking Your Employer to Court

Many members of the workforce have become so accustomed to mistreatment at the hands of their respective employers that they’ve come to regard such treatment as an inescapable fact of life. However, while it’s true that most employers could stand to be nicer to their workforces, this doesn’t mean that you should simply sit back and allow yourself to be mistreated. In fact, depending on the extent of your employer’s abuse, you may be able to pursue legal action.

Workplace Harassment

Workplace harassment, which is a depressingly common problem in a variety of professional settings, comes in a number of different forms. Perhaps most notably, there’s sexual harassment, which, despite the heightened level of awareness the problem has received in recent years, continues to plague countless workplaces. Of course, some employers are more willing to tackle this issue than others, and it’s hardly usual for sexual harassment to be downplayed or written off as a joke by individuals in positions of authority. So, if your employer has ever failed to take appropriate action in response to sexually-charged comments, inappropriate touching or other forms of sexual harassment, get in touch with a knowledgeable attorney on the double.

Mind you, this isn’t to say that sexual harassment is the only form of harassment in the workplace. Every day, members of the workforce are harassed on the grounds of race, gender, age and religion in their respective workplaces. As is the case with sexual harassment, the people who perpetrate such behavior often attempt to pass off their cruelty as joking around, but workplace harassment is no laughing matter, and if you’ve been the victim of it, you’re well within your rights to expect the appropriate measures to be taken.

Unpaid Wages

Given how much time, effort and energy many of us devote to our jobs, it’s only natural that we’d expect to be compensated fairly – and in a timely manner. However, some employers regularly fail to pay workers for a number of reasons. In some instances, they’ll make up ridiculous excuses in an attempt to present the withholding of wages as the employee’s fault. Other times, they’ll simply withhold payment without explanation. Furthermore, small businesses whose revenue wildly fluctuates from month to month sometimes find themselves unable to pay employees and keep the lights on.

Regardless of the reason your employer has opted to withhold your wages, you’d be wise to contact a good attorney. You are fully entitled to money for which you’ve worked, and if your employer has failed to honor their end of the deal, taking legal action may be the only way to get them to pay up.

Even if your employer has paid you some of what you’re owed, you may still have a case. For example, unpaid overtime is becoming an increasingly prevalent problem, especially with our culture celebrating overwork and viewing it as a virtue. However, if your employer expects you to work overtime, you should not have to do so for free. So, if your employer has failed to provide you with sufficient overtime pay, get in touch with a lawyer.

Personal Injury

If you’ve been injured in the workplace through no fault of your own, you may be entitled to compensation from your employer. For example, if an injury occurred as a result of an unsafe work environment, your employer – who’s obligated to provide a safe workspace – should be expected to take proper responsibility. Furthermore, if you’ve suffered injuries as a result of workplace-based assault or altercation, your employer may be among the parties at fault.

If you’ve suffered personal injuries at your place of business, contact a highly-rated attorney in your area. Big Guava residents seeking restitution for personal injuries incurred in the workplace would do well to reach out to a dependable Tampa personal injury lawyer.

Employer to Court 1

Few members of the workforce are strangers to mistreatment from their respective employers. However, while many employers could certainly stand to treat their employees better, not every unobliging employer crosses the line into illegality. So, if you believe that mistreatment on the part of your employer warrants legal action, don’t hesitate to get in touch with a good lawyer. Depending on the nature and extent of the mistreatment you’ve endured, you may be entitled to a significant amount of restitution.