Rare Animal Species that Got Saved from Extinction

Rare Animal Species that Got Saved from Extinction

An animal killing other animals for food is a part of the ecological cycle. It has been carrying on for long! And that is a part of the environmental cycle. However, it’s only recently that the act of humans killing animals for business and poaching has become prevalent. And this criminal act has been making some of the most cherished animal species go extinct, for instance, the white rhino and a couple of deer species as well.

However, in recent times, there have been efforts taken by the animal rescue campaigns and other institutions to save animals that were vulnerable to natural calamities and poachers. You can read more on various animal species and interesting facts about them from Animals.net and learn more.

Extinction is the harsh reality of life! The latest research reveals that more and more animals are on the verge of extinction than before. Sometimes, poaching isn’t the only danger. One of the most significant problems is a loss of habitat that we need to look into today. In recent times, many animal species got saved by zoos and other organizations working for the cause. Some of the names are as follows:

  1. Arabian Oryx

Arabian Oryx

Sometime back this spectacular species faced a significant extinction! A few of the Arabian Oryx species have got saved by the excellent conservation effort done by few zoos around the globe and other rescue campaigns. This work has resulted in saving as much as 1,000 species of this stunning animal back to wildlife.

  1. Przewalski’s Horse


When you look at the Przewalski’s Horse, you will find it to be noble and impressive, like most horse species. This horse mostly belongs to the Central Asian grasslands. Sometime back, the species was declared to be entirely extinct. But the constant effort of many zoos has helped this species to make a comeback. Various zoos around the globe have been working to develop a stable population today in the world. Gradually, the same Przewalski’s Horse has been slowly returning to their natural habitat.

  1. Bongo


You would love to have a look at the Eastern Bongo! For instance, it is a considerable antelope that thrives in the remote and dense places of Kenya. This species is an impressive creature which also happens to be a vast mammal species. Today, owing to habitat loss and mass poaching the number of this species have undergone complete extinction. It has made most zoos rise to the cause, and they are working towards saving the Bongo through breeding programs and other survival campaigns.

  1. Amur Leopard

Amur Leopard

Leopards are captivating! And the Amur Leopard is incredible to look at and is robust. However, today very few of these Amur Leopard species are left due to loss of natural habitat, human development in wild areas and also habitat loss. Thanks to a breeding program that got initiated back in the 1960’s that even today we have as many as 200 Amur Leopards left. The Amur Leopard is generally of the North-East-Asian origin, and many animal conservation institutions are saving today.

Today, several other animal species are getting saved from becoming extinct. The beauty of earth doubles when we have animal species of all kinds thriving without any threat across the globe. Hence, if you resonate with saving any animal species go ahead and play your part today.