Here are some more questions for interview and tests in adobe.
1. Solve: (A V B) ^ (!A V B) ^ ( A V ! B)
2. If 0 on a sector represents vacant and 1 represents occupied and on a 32 bit area D4FE2003 is written then what % is vacant.
3. A DFA was drawn….for a certain string.
You have to draw a DFA for language from alphabet (a,b)* which does not accept strings containing aabb.
4.create a tree for which inorder and preorder traversal is given
like…Inorder AVBEGHEHNEH
and Preorder VGHWEH…….
Now draw tree for Postorder traversal
5. for 100 sorted elements array
a. what will be avg complexity of searching an element in the array
b. write a code for searching an element
Data Struct/OS – Binary Search Trees (isBST?, depth, node-leaf relations etc), Linked list (reverse, search the element from it’s end, etc), some questions on OS. – Overall you should have good knowledge in BST and linked list.
C – swap int pointers, malloc for mxn matrix, function pointers, const pointers, typedef errors, switch() errors, #define, bitwise operators (divisble by 3), arrays (find duplicates, rotate elements from i, j etc), recursion, booleans (prove equations like A+BC = (A+B)(B+C), simplify (~A)(A+B)+(AA+B)(~B)), postorder, preorder. overall the question paper was tough you have to practice a lot before the test.
C Paper:
- What is the difference between Char a[ ]=”string” and char *a=”String”
- What is wrong with the code? The code was for conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit
degF =5/9*(c+32)
In code this line was wrong as we want 5/9 and that to be multiplied with bracket result. But here 9 will be first multiplied with bracket result.
- What are Data breakpoints? Give two scenarios where we make the use of this
- What do you mean by Bit fields? Give example
- Write the function for changing a number from hexadecimal to integer htoi(s)
- Compare two binary trees they are same or not.
- You have N computers and [Ca, Cb] means a is connected to b and this connectivity is symmetric and transitive. then write a program which checks that all computers are interconnected and talk two each other
- WAP to find Depth of tree program. We were given the structure of the node using that we need to write the code.
- In binary search we have two comparisons one for greater than and other for less than the mid value. Optimize so that we need to check only once
- Question was some what like we need to write the function so that we get the two dimensional array and memory is assigned to it using malloc function. Don’t remember the question exactly. But this was the only question in proper language.
I remember only 5 questions in this. A s this was taken first
- Binary search Tree was given. Find 4ths smallest element.
- Some code in assembly was given and given five options. What is being calculated?
Ans (XY) 2 + Y + Z
- Represent (-5)10 in 2’s complement representation in 8 bits
- Expression was given. Draw tree and then find the postfix
- Some commands in the assembly language were given. Then need to convert this code in assembly
For (i=0 ; i<=10 ; i++)
More to come — stay glued !!
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