Questions in Adobe Tests n Interviews – Part 4

Questions in Adobe Tests n Interviews – Part 4

The Fourth Part….

4) draw a tree for some expression like a + b *(c +d) – e and then write its postfix expression.  

5) find output
pritf(“%d %d”, i++, ++i);

4) puzzle :
ther are 3 jars of capacity 15, 10,6 ltrs respectively.
Initially jar with 15 ltr capacity was full with water and rst of 2 jars are empty.
You have top transfer water like this taht ain the end jar with 15ltr should be empty. jar with 10 ltrs should contain 8ltr and jar with 6 ltr should contain 5lt.
tech 4)
1) write a program to reverse the string.
2) there is an array of size n.Array contains number from {1,2,3….n-1}.That mean atleast one number is repeating atleast one time.
you have to find one number which is repeating in o(n) time without using extar memory and original array should remain intact.
3) there is a sorted array like 1 , 2,3 ,4 ,5,6,7,8,9,10
then you chose a position in array suppose index 4 and move all the elemebt after that index in front so original array become
5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4. now in this array you have to find minimum nuber in o(lg n)
tech 3)
1) write a complex class.
2) check whether stacks grow upward or downward.
3) implement task schedular.
4) find second largest number.
5) prove order of quicksort.
tech 2)
1) puzzle there are 10 bag. one of them contain faulty coin.Each bag contain infinite number of coins.Tou have to find which bag in as less weighing as possible.
2) there are 4 blue balls 6 red 7 green. when 2 balls of different colour combined they turn into third colour. you have t o turn all balls into one colour.
3) implement quicksort
4) in an array a of size n one number is occuring n/2 times and all other numbers are distincy you have to find which number in n/2 +1 comaprisons.

tech 1)
1) from a rectangle one smaller rectangle is cut, you have to divide the remainig rectangle into 2 equal halfes.
2) i have to implement increment such that.
Project overview – have a complete command on the projects that you have worked on so far. 
memory leak,virtual memory
2) major difference between XP and vista 
3) how would you find what files an application installed/deleted without using any external tool
4) 1284 – what is special about this octal number
5) 3FF + 1 = ?
6) reverse a linked list
7) find intersection between two linked list
Nikhil Pavan Kalyan