Hi all,
I have been in the process of collecting some interview questions, test papers in various companies.
I would like to share those files, links and other resources with all of you.
Hope it helps in any insignificant way.
All the best Guys.
Starting with, I am posting some questions that were asked in previous Adobe interviews and tests both for Test Engineers and Developers.
Nikhil Pavan Kalyan.
Some of those questions are below:
Developer’s Questions:
1. Objective: qn on find what is concat (concat, head (tail (tail (S)))) where S is some set.
2. Question on to select a correct regular expression which implies the definition of a variable name:” An alphabet followed by an alphabet or digit (N).” A (A U N)*.
3. Write a function to allocate memory for a 3D array.
4. Write c code to find the depth of a binary tree.
5. Write the data structure and algo to add 2 polynomials.
6. Algo for external sort.
7 write algo to find if two rectangles intersect. The data structure was given which was having the coordinates of Upper right and Lower left points.
8. No. of multiplication happening in the code of power (int num, int exp) for power(5,12)
Power (int num, int exp)
If (exp == 0)
Return 1
Else if (even (num))
Return Power (num* num, exp/2)
Return Power (num*num, exp/2)* num
9. Write code to extract n bits from pth position from the end andThese n bits should be at the right of the resulting number.
10. how many swaps happen in bubble sort if the array is reverse sorted 11.write algo to print all paths from root to leaf in a tree.
12. Find the bug in deg_C = 5/9 * (degF – 32).
13. Break points and their uses.
14. Bit fields and their uses.
15. Convert a hexadecimal string (which can optionally have 0x or 0X at the start) into a decimal integer.
16. Implementation of Binary search with the help of only 1 if condition (code for 1conditions was given). You can use more variables if you want.
1. A sorted list of 100 items is thr. You have to > seach a given item> in optimal way. Write c function implementing it.
2. calculate X**n in O(log n)>
3. given a N-ary tree with M non leaf nodes. Find > total no of leaf> nodes >
4. preorder: FAEKCDHGB>> inorder: EACKFHDBG> draw tree.>>
1. find right most occurrence of a substring in> another string without > using c library functions. >
2. main()>> {> Int p=4;> Int *q=&p;> ++p;> printf(factorial(*q));> }> What is the output? >>
1. implement atoi() >
2. given a link list. Delete last node, add a new> node at start of> link list>
3. write c func to invert 20th bit of a number.>
4. write c func to invert all odd bits of a no. >
5. printf fibonacci series using recursion>
6. if a single processor takes 100sec to execute> a prog. And 40% of> prog is sequential. How much time ll be taken by> 2 processors, 4 processors >
7. draw FSM which accpets all {a,b}* except> strings containing aabb>
8. minimise (a+b).(~a+b).(a+~b) trick was instead> of + and . operators> they used discrete mathmatics operators like ^ > for .>
9. find largest of 3 nos using ternary operator> only>
10. write prototype of function returing pointer> to int and taking> argument as an array of pointers to function > returning int and having two> arguments of integer type>
11. compiler will shout at which line no?>> 1 int p=5;> 2 int q=10;> 3 int *ptp= &p; > 4 int *ptq=&q;> 5 int *const * c=&ptp;> 6 *c=q;> 7 C= &p;>>
(To be Continued….)
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