We live in a time where the digital media has taken over a lot of things and have created a huge impact on our lives. The technological advancements have shaped up in a far better way in the past few decades and the lives of common people have become a lot easier than before. One major contribution to the world of digital media is the social media platforms that are used extensively by people across the world. Unlike before, when social media was only used to chat with people across the world, it is now used as a medium to speed news, advertise, do business, etc. The power of social media is very influencing in the lives of common people; some for the right reasons and some for the wrong reasons.
What are the ways through which we can make a beneficial use of the social media platforms?
Well, the use of social media depends entirely on what platform you are using and how well you know the tactics of using them. Some people use it for literally socializing while some use it for increasing their social presence amongst the people. Some wrongdoers even use it for defaming other people but they are seldom given respite by the judicial systems. The Campbell & Smith practice areas suggest that any types of sexual harassment cases, whether offline or online are dealt with stricter actions and must be reported to the judicial system immediately.
Nowadays, the smaller enterprises are using these social media platforms to spread their business to the larger sections of the society. The ad click service has made it easy for the marketers to reach to people from every corner of the earth and helps them to know about their choices in any particular services or products. There are some dating sites which allow you to meet different people of different tastes; these have sometimes helped people, find the right partners they searched for. The benefits are many; we just need to focus on the positive aspect.
The benefits are sometimes overwhelming too!
In a recent social media post, some sites share the news that a computer teacher from Ghana used to teach his children about MS- word by drawing the whole graphics on the blackboard as the school had no means of computers to teach them the practical lessons. When this news started circulating in the social media platforms, some kind-hearted people saw it and if we go by the recent news then it is to be believed that the teacher received multiple computer donations, even from Microsoft, to teach the children properly.
Likewise, we see many of such viral news that has shot people to fame within the blink of an eye. The power that these social media platforms possess proves that we can make use of technology for our own benefits as much as we need. When we start to exploit its use, it can fire us back and e may be trapped in this process as the negative effects are also many as compared to the positive effects. People often fall prey to bullies and trolls that can sometimes break them emotionally and may lead to sheer depression also.
The inventions in the fields of technology are reaching greater heights with each passing time. Whenever we think that this is the limit, then only we become amazed at another such creation. The social media platforms have contributed largely to the trends of the society as it is used by a larger section of the people across the globe. These social sites are used for many purposes other than connecting to our friends and family; it depends on how you tend to utilize it. We should not underestimate the power of social media and thus use it to our benefits in the positive stride.
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