Plants 101: Long Lasting Indoor Plants

Plants 101: Long Lasting Indoor Plants

Plants provide a significant contribution to all the living things on this planet. It gives us food and oxygen that are essential for us to survive. They played a primary role in evolution and having our planet habitable. And after a couple of generations, plants are now considered as decorations inside and outside of every household.

Having them decorations is the new trend as it adds aesthetic vibes to the home and some people prefer to be environment-friendly citizens. Not only that they can provide beautification but they can also exist for a long time given that the owner will give them proper care and maintenance.

Why Indoor Plants?

Admit it or not, this question undoubtedly crossed your mind. Why do people love to put plants indoors? Well, aside from the beauty it gives to the inside of the house, it provides ventilation. As it absorbs contaminants like Carbon Dioxide and it releases oxygen to keep the air purified. Also, according to scientific studies, plants do relieve tension and stress as it brings a relaxed and blissful ambiance.

It enhances the people’s concentration, mood, creativity, and optimism. What a great advantage right? Aside from these benefits, an average indoor plant can live up to 2-5 years. It can be extended depending on how you will take care of it.

Best Long Lasting Indoor Plants

1. Succulents and Cacti

Many people love succulents and make it as an indoor plant. It does not only look cute but has the ability to preserve water, they can live longer even if the weather or climate is warm and dry. On the other hand, cacti can survive without water since it is the nature of the plant to thrive in extreme environments. Both of them are considered as the best plants to have indoors due to their appealing looks and ability to survive long.

2. Tillandsia

If you want a plant that is easy to take care of, then this Air Plant is a great one to have. It does not need direct sunlight, just good light to keep it from doing the mechanism of producing food is enough. It is due to its sensitivity to heat and bright light that can lead to the scorching of its leaves. Additionally, they are tropical plants that do not require soil to leave. Plus, it is visually pleasing especially if it is in a bowl that has an aquarium style.

3. Snake Plant

If you want a plant that is big but can stay indoors and live for a long time, Sansevieria or Snake Plant can be your best companion. For an indoor plant, a snake plant can be considered as a big one as it can grow up to 1.5 meters or 5 feet. However, it grows slowly and does not require too much sunlight. If you keep it within a low light condition, it can live up to 5-10 years.

4. Spider Plant

Arachnophobia? Don’t worry, it is not a plant that has spiders on it. Spider Plant or Chlorophyllum is known for its beautiful bright green and white foliage that looks like the legs of a spider. It can live for a long time since it is hard to kill this plant. Additionally, they can purify the air and add a pleasing ambiance to your living room. It is also extremely adaptable to all conditions as long as you will follow the correct way of taking care of it.

5. Wax Plant

Hoya carnosa or wax plants have an attractive appearance and smell. It is a suitable indoor plant as it can survive for 30 years and above. A great characteristic of this plant is that it gets better as it grows older. However, it is not suitable for those who live in cold climates as it prefers to be in warm weather conditions. If you want to have one, it is best to prepare your thermostat as average indoor temperature is the best for the plant.

6. Aquatic plant

Aquatic plants can thrive both indoors and outdoors, depending on the specific species and the conditions provided for their growth. Many aquatic plants are well-suited for indoor environments, particularly in aquariums or indoor ponds. These plants typically require sufficient light, appropriate water quality, and sometimes additional nutrients. However, not all aquatic plants are suitable for indoor cultivation, as some may require more space or specific environmental conditions that are difficult to replicate indoors. It’s essential to research the specific requirements of any aquatic plant you’re considering for indoor cultivation to ensure its success. Proper aquatic plant care involves regular monitoring of water quality, adequate lighting, and appropriate nutrient supplementation to ensure healthy growth.


Plants do really enhance everything. From the ambiance to the mood, indoor plants are commendable. There are a lot of best indoor plants that can survive with minimum supervision. However, it is notable that you should take care of it even if it can survive on its own.