Nobody wants to live in a home infested by insects and other unwanted animals. Thankfully, there are various pesticides specifically created to deal with these animals. While pesticides prove to be very helpful when it comes to controlling pests, they can also be very dangerous if used carelessly. The harmful chemicals in pesticides can easily get into your body through your eyes, mouth, skin, or lungs. So how can you solve your pest problems while still maintaining the safety of your family and pets? To help you, here are eight Singapore pest control safety tips for effectively handling pesticides in your home.
- Read all label instructions
The first and most important thing to do before you use any pesticide should be reading the label. Doing this only takes you a very short time but saves you from a lot of trouble afterwards. All pest control products have usage instructions attached to their containers or pamphlets enclosed. Before you pour the solution into your sprayer, take some time to check out the product manufacturer’s recommended uses and warning.
- Use appropriate containers for measuring and mixing
Pesticides should always be mixed in their application equipment. Never use food or beverage containers for any reason as it may later be taken to the kitchen without your knowledge. Even if your plan was to wash the containers after use, they could still contain some pesticide remnants which will definitely be a hazard to your health.
- Mix the exact amount you intend to use
Applying too much chemicals can endanger the health of your family, pets, and the environment. To prevent this, read the information on the product’s label named the “application rate”. This is usually given either in gallons per 1000 square foot or gallons per acre. After reading that, measure the area you intend to use it on to calculate the amount of pesticide that you will require.
- Use the required safety equipment
Wearing protective gear should be pretty obvious since it is usually listed on the usage label in any pesticide. Look for clothing that covers your entire body like a long-sleeved pant or shirt to always wear when using pesticides. You should also include safety glasses, rubber gloves, and rubber boots to prevent chemicals from getting into your eyes, hands, and feet.
- Wash all equipment after each use
All equipment used to spray pesticides should be washed after every use with lots of water. Washing should be done away from wells or any other drinking water supplies to prevent the runoff from getting into the waterways.
- Store and dispose pesticides properly
According to the University of Nevada, pesticides can easily spill or leak if not stored properly. When chemicals spill on the ground, they can cause health hazards to both humans and pets. To prevent this, you should always store chemicals in their original containers in an area that is inaccessible by pets and children. Remember to check the product’s label to see if there are any special requirements regarding the chemical that you are using. In case there are any spills, be sure to take care of it immediately. Left over pesticide, including the pesticide containers, are to be disposed off properly and as directed on the product’s label.
- Protect your food
One of the things that people forget to do when treating the kitchen is protecting food. Before treating your kitchen, all food should first be removed and stored or otherwise put in sealed cabinets. Doing this protects your food from coming into contact with the pesticide. It is also advisable to never eat, drink, or smoke when applying pesticides.
- Keep pests and kids out of the treated areas
Kids and pets are always vulnerable when it comes to dangerous things like chemicals. This is why it is important to keep them out of the areas that are treated with pesticides for the period recommended on the product label. Additionally, keep the telephone number of your local area’s Poison Control Center at hand just in case of anything.
Dealing with pests is not always a very easy task. While you may use the right pesticides the right way, the safety of your family and pets should come first. By having these tips in mind, you will be able to keep your home pest free while saving yourself from the potential health hazards of pesticides.
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