When you are asked to do some editing on a PDF, it’s not always the non-issue that many thought it would be. What most people fail to get is that PDF files are printer-ready files. Which means they aren’t supposed to be edited anymore. But most PDFs shared online need to be edited – whether it be for adding text, affixing the signature, and editing the fundamental elements of the file itself.
Rotating PDF sounds like a mundane administrative thing that anyone could do, but there are two ways anyone could go about it. One is to rotate the PDF into landscape or portrait modes normally, and the other is to rotate the elements of the contents inside. The latter is trickier to do than the former, but here are some tips and tricks to use in general when rotating and PDF editing:
1. Rotate PDF
When you are asked to do a PDF rotate, it’s always going to be on a standalone software intended for PDF editing. That’s a great course of action if you have a pre-installed PDF software on your work computer, and you are physically present, meaning you’re in front of it. If you happen to be not physically present, and or traveling, and the need for rotating PDF is urgent, an online browser-based web application is the alternative to use.
Rotating a PDF is as common as adding text to the same file, and you should be able to do it anywhere, anytime. That’s how easy and mundane it is. And with browser-based PDF applications, you can do exactly that. You don’t need a laptop or computer to do it; your smartphone will do it!
2. Convert to PDF and vice-versa
One of the most common task to do with a shared PDF file is to convert it into MS Office file formats like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Sometimes, a JPG file is thrown in there are well. While converting MS Office files to PDF can be done on the software, it originated at first, reverting the file when you want to do fundamental edits to the text, images, fonts, and other elements that need a more advanced maneuver.
You can do these types of conversion online nowadays. Gone are the days when you need a separate, standalone PDF reader and editor to make this happen. With browser-based online web applications like PDF Bear, you can easily do reversion and conversion quickly. And you don’t need to learn special skills to do so! You just upload the document in question, click on the conversion method, and wait for the process to finish!
On a special note, here is a tool which helps you to learn how to edit a pdf without acrobat
3. Separate pages for a new file
Another great skill to learn, or at least to know an alternative way of addressing, is how to separate pages from a PDF file. Adding new pages is easy – and you can do it online as well. But separating pages from the same PDF file will require a few skillful maneuvering. With online repositories that automate the process through web applications, you can just upload the document on the site, and easily select the pages for extraction.
A great trick to easily separate the pages you want to create a new file is to go to the thumbnails view of the document and to highlight the pages one by one. Once done, begin the extraction process. It should only take less than five minutes, shorter than that if you are extracting a lesser number of pages.
Follow the advice above in order to up your PDF editing game. Whether you are a corporate employee, a student, or a telecommuter working from home, PDF editing is a skill that you need to have, learn, and master. It will be a great back-up skill to have, and you don’t know when is the exact time that you’ll need it. Improve your skills every day in order to improve the way you work!
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