Milk has been one of the highest consumed things in the human history, since the Neolithic Revolution. As a food product, it contains so much nutritional values, which allowed the ancient men to stay strong. Now, even as we have proper food supplies, milk is considered a daily need in almost every culture. Most people consume milk in a way or another. After the rise of milk production industry, however, some manufacturers have started using chemicals, which have a negative impact on the health. This is why we should consider the importance of organic milk.
Organic Milk – the Basics
In case you didn’t know, Organic Milk refers to milk products that are collected from livestock that are being raised through the organic farming method. This prevents the use of chemicals in all steps of the process. As it happens, organic milk is more expensive than regular milk you find in stores. It’s also true that organic milk is more environment-friendly and healthy.
Although organic dairy product market is blooming nowadays, organic milk is not really high on numbers. Only a lower percentage of available milk can be classified under the organic label. Of course, this may change in the long run, since more people become aware about its nutritional value. Therefore, Organic Milk is undoubtedly a daily need for most human beings nowadays.
In this article, we will have a look at the nutritional value and current relevance of Organic Milk. We would also discuss why it should be part of the daily diet, instead of going for non-organic milk products.
The Core Benefits of Organic Milk
Organic Milk is more nutritious and healthy due to many factors — not just the lack of chemical use. So, the user will have some additional benefits when they prefer organic milk to regular milk. Some of such benefits are given below.
- Increased Amount of Omega 3 Fatty Acid
Many researchers have found that organic milk contains increased amount of Omega 3 Fatty Acids compared to regular milk. The same is applicable for organic meat as well. In a research conducted by scientists from countries like the UK, Greece, Norway and Italy, it was found that organic milk contains 50% more Omega 3 than the counterpart. In case you didn’t know, Omega 3 Fatty Acid is one of the essential elements that can prevent heart diseases and other issues. In short, consumption of organic milk would help you prevent a lot of cardiovascular issues.
- No Chemical Intervention
We already made it clear that organic milk doesn’t involve the use of chemicals throughout the process for production. Now, it’s true that regular milk may contain restricted amount of chemicals, but they are at the end of the day chemicals. As it happens, when you shift to organic milk, you get rid of antibiotics, elements like urea and of course many hormones. This is a great thing as far as your body health is concerned. It needs to be noted that by choosing a non-chemical product, you are also helping the environment in the long run. To add to that note, many beings are affected by the use of chemicals in farms and other scenarios.
- More Antioxidants and Vitamins
Studies have also proven that organic milk contains increased amount of Vitamin E and antioxidants. Regular milk also contains these, but the amounts are quite different. As it happens, people who consume organic milk are likely to have better eye health and other advantages. At the same time, increased amount of the Vitamin E will also help you fight cardiovascular health and have a better health overall. In case you didn’t guess it already, consumption of organic milk would be a viable solution for Vitamin E deficiency.
These are just some of the perks of consuming organic milk on a regular basis. Considering that milk is doing a major contribution to most diets, it makes sense to make the shift to organic. Just so you know, almost all the advantages we talked about are applicable to organic meat as well.
Availability and Expensive Nature
Some people may say that organic milk is not as available as regular milk. True, many business ventures are on its way to implementing organic ways of livestock raising. That having said, the organic dairy products market has been on a rise for quite some time. Even many well know food giants have increased the usage of the organic milk especially the “McDonalds” and “Pret a Manager” as consumers prefer organic products over conventional products due to health benefits offered by the them. It means that you have better options to purchase organic milk from. In fact, there are even online stores where you can purchase organic dairy products.
Coming to the pricing aspect, the selection is up to you. The selection is exactly between better health and cheap rates. We’ve mentioned earlier that organic dairy farming is quite expensive and it doesn’t involve the use of enhancing catalysts or chemicals. At the end of the day, however, you are getting the benefits we’ve talked about above.
The Bottom Line
After reading these aspects, we hope you have an idea why organic milk is a daily need. By choosing organic milk over regular milk, you can enhance your health while getting other advantages. The only choice you’ve to make is whether you’re ready to pay for the perks you’re getting. Do you use organic milk for daily use?
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