Google is planning to begin selling a cellphone directly to consumers as soon as next year. And the name of the phone is NEXUS ONE.
This was the pic that was leaked through tweeted pic.
Google is going to sell the Nexus one ( Google Phone ) online and it will be unlocked giving Google complete control over the hardware and software with no pesky carrier interference, so you’ll need to buy your cellular service separately.
Although not yet officially announced, Google has coyly admitted that the phone is real and will be on sale early in the new year. In fact, it has provided the handset to its employees in order to test it out in the wild.
And the more interesting thing is – it has been already tracked by log stats. Nerdy John Gruber of Daring Fireball found this user agent string in his site’s logs:
Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.1; en-us; Nexus One Build/ERD56C) AppleWebKit/530.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/530.17
Here are the details so far from mashable :
– Software: Android (Android) 2.1
– Hardware: HTC
– Specs (according to Jason Howell): Capactive touch screen, on screen keyboard only, thin, scroll ball, and animated desktop wallpaper
– Launch date: Rumored January 2010
– Tweets describe it as “an iPhone on beautifying steroids.”
– Google designed the entire user experience
– Google will sell the phone online, unlocked
– Google is “dogfooding” the Google Phone and has given it to employees all over the world to test it.
Expecting a lot many gifts for new year from GOOGLE 🙂 .
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