What You Need to Know About Body Detoxification

What You Need to Know About Body Detoxification

Detoxification as a practice has been around the world for centuries. Somehow, some way, humanity has always been aware of the need to get rid of toxins from the body since they figured out that their presence in the body does no good, but instead, create conditions right for pathogens and other diseases to harm the body.

It is a practice that was and is still entrenched in the Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine system, and at its very basic, it may be seen as a way of cleansing, nourishing, and resting the body from the inside. When the toxins are eliminated from the body, it has a chance to enjoy fresh doses of healthy nutrients which will enable it to enhance its immunity and avail the strength and the energy needed by one to carry out their day to day activities.

How detoxification works

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In simple terms, detoxification refers to the process of cleansing the blood. It is aimed at removing impurities from the blood and this usually takes place in the liver since this is the organ responsible for processing toxins for elimination out of the body. The skin, kidney, lymphatic system, intestines, and the lungs are the major body organs tasked with the removal of waste products from the body.

However, if any of these organs are compromised and not in a position to remove the wastes as it had been designed, there will be an accumulation of impurities and toxins in the body, and this will come with very devastating consequences to the overall health of the individual.

Most of the detoxification programs, including those involving fulvic minerals supplements, will help the body attain natural cleansing in the following manners:

  1. Allow the organs to rest through fasting
  2. Enhance the liver’s ability to remove toxins out of the body
  3. Promote the elimination of more toxins through other organs such as the skin, kidney, and intestines
  4. Improve the flow of blood to all the parts of the body
  5. Introduce a dose of healthy nutrients into the body

In a typical detoxification process, the body cells, which are the smallest units of life get all their needs attended, thus getting nourished in the process and regaining the ability to perform their functions at optimum levels.

How to know you need to detoxify

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It is recommended that everyone should detoxify at least once a year and more if possible. However, detoxification is not recommended for patients with chronic diseases, tuberculosis, cancers, children and lactating mothers. If you are in this category, but you still feel that you desire to detoxify, it would be a good thing for you to consult your doctor for advice. However, if you are not in this category and you haven’t detoxified in ages, of the last time you detoxified was over a year ago, then you are a perfect candidate for detoxification.

In the current times, the environment is full of toxins and there are instances when it may be necessary to detoxify even if you have detoxified in less than one year ago. If you feel any of the following symptoms, it will be an indication that your body cleanings system has been compromised and toxins are slowly taking over the normal functioning of the cells. The best remedy, then, is to detoxify as soon as possible so that your body cells may regain their normal health. These symptoms include-:

  • When you are experiencing excessive bloating
  • When you are having problems with your menstrual cycles
  • When experiencing mental confusion
  • When feeling irritation on the skin
  • You are feeling fatigued but you can’t figure out the cause
  • When you have puffy eyes
  • When you have low-grade infections

How do you start a detoxification program?

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With so many detoxification programs available, getting onto detoxification is never a problem if you are willing to take the time to read, understand and follow the instructions. With most of the detox programs, the first step is usually to lighten the toxin load. It means that you must work actively to reduce the number of toxins present in your body system, and this mainly involves eliminating things like alcohol, saturated fats, cigarettes, coffee, and alcohol which are all known to intoxicate the body in a number of ways. These are some of the obstacles which must be removed out of the way if any detoxification program is to attain any worthwhile results. Additionally, at the onset of every detox program, it is important to go slow on the use of chemical-based household cleaners as well as personal care products which might contribute to more toxin load in your system. The idea is to replace or substitute them with their natural alternatives.

It is also important to ensure that before you start on a detoxification program, you don’t have any form of stress, or if it is there, then it should be at the very least. When you are stressed, the body may be triggered to release certain hormones which may end up slowing down the detoxification process simply because your body and mind are not well rested. This is because large amounts of hormones in the body will inhibit the proper functioning of the enzymes in the liver and the result will be that the detoxification problem will not be carried out properly.

Which detoxification programs should you choose?

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Currently, there is a plethora of detoxification programs and recipes you can turn to for the best results. However, not all of them will be suitable for you and it is imperative that you know how to choose a program that will give you the best results. Most programs will feature seven-day schedules since the process of cleansing the blood takes time.

However, there are other detox programs that take two days, three days or even five days and they feature diets designed to make your digestive system have very good rest. Some of the favorite detox diets you may consider for your detoxification include sugar detox, hypoallergenic detox, juice cleanse, smoothie cleanse and the normal simple fruit and vegetable detox.