Whenever New Hampshire residents are involved in an accident that wasn’t their fault, they deserve the opportunity to take the culprit to court and claim compensation. Personal injury lawyers can take on all kinds of cases – more than you might realize existed. Because of that, it helps to know more about the different types of claims, just in case you find yourself in a position where you need help. The following is a quick introduction to some of the main categories. You can talk to local lawyers about any specific issue to see how they can help.
Transportation Accidents
Many of the cases and settlements handled by personal injury lawyers in New Hampshire are transportation accidents. What this typically means is an accident relating to a collision between two forms of transport, with the impact resulting in physical injury or mental health trauma. These cases vary regarding the types of transportation, and it’s comforting for victims to know there are specialist lawyers able to handle these cases. Car accidents are some of the most common, with drivers hitting each other due to carelessness, distracted driving, or other influencing factors. Lawyers can help you build a case that places the blame on the negligent driver and allows for some compensation.
Other forms of transport-related accidents include motorcycle accidents, truck accidents, and accidents relating to public transportation. With the latter, passengers can make a claim against a bus company or the city for any injuries sustained due to driver negligence. This could be a physical injury after a driver crashes into another vehicle or property. It could also relate to the psychological trauma of witnessing a pedestrian accident while traveling on the bus. Whatever the situation, there are skilled transportation accident lawyers who can provide the support you need.
Serious Injuries
Another area in which a Rye personal injury lawyer can specialize is compensation for serious injuries. As with the transportation category, there are various types of injuries covered. Many of these cases will relate to workplace injuries, such as those incurred on construction sites or at dangerous factories. Workers who end up falling from height, slipping in unsafe areas, or dealing with burns can get the help they need to sue their employers. These cases and settlements will focus on the negligence of the employer regarding safety procedures and training. In situations where there are serious spinal injuries or brain injuries, you can find expert help in these areas and work to get justice for loved ones who may be severely disabled from their accident.
Serious injuries can also occur as a result of slip-and-fall accidents on other people’s property. In these cases, victims can make a claim against the property owner, such as a store owner or building management for an office complex, if the accident was due to their negligence. These cases are commonly referred to as slip and fall cases because of the number of people slipping on wet floors or icy paths, tripping on hazards or uneven flooring, or falling in stairwells. As with workplace injuries, success depends on the ability to prove fault. Victims who record their injuries and surroundings and get witness statements can gain compensation with the help of a good lawyer.
Medical Incidents
There are also many forms of personal injury cases that relate to medical situations. Some serious injuries fall under this category if the injury comes directly from a medical professional. Spinal and brain injuries from medical malpractice, such as a botched surgery, may be accidents, but you can claim if it was due to negligence or physical abuse. Abuse from neglect when in medical care is also something patients can claim for. This is a growing concern for seniors struggling in underfunded nursing homes. Whatever the injury incurred while under medical care, it is possible to make a claim through expert lawyers.
Other medical-related personal injury cases may relate to problems with medical devices and defective products. We agree to use medical devices with the trust that they will help us get better. However, some poorly made products end up being harmful and dangerous. Injuries sustained from defective products, such as mobility aids, call buttons, or other essential tools, could be worthy of compensation with the right evidence in your case file. The same is true for issues regarding medication. Medical professionals who knowingly prescribe the wrong drugs or provide the wrong information may be liable, especially if there are serious consequences.
Water Incidents
Finally, there is an area of personal injury law in New Hampshire that isn’t spoken about as much as transportation accidents and slip and fall injuries. Water incidents are rarer, but that doesn’t make them any less harrowing for those involved. Anyone using the water around the coast of New Hampshire needs to respect the water and ensure everyone remains safe. Anyone operating a business here, such as a boat rental or managing a harbor or marina, needs to provide appropriate lifesaving equipment and signage to protect users. Accidents here can quickly lead to drownings and cases of wrongful death. Survivors of these incidents can claim against the appropriate party to gain compensation for their injuries, trauma, and financial losses. Family members of those who don’t survive can work with lawyers to achieve some form of justice.
Could You Benefit From A Personal Injury Lawyer?
It’s possible that you’re reading this thinking about an incident you or a loved one were recently involved in. Maybe you had an issue with a defective medical product but didn’t think it was possible to gain compensation for it. Maybe you have a relative dealing with nursing home neglect or had someone you lost to malpractice or drowning. Whatever the situation, you could talk to a professional New Hampshire personal injury lawyer. They will be able to tell you whether you have a case and what you need to do to move forward. You never know. Together, you could create a strong enough case to finally get justice for what happened.
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