While some individuals employ bodyguard services for short-term purposes, others require long-term services. While it is personal for some, others hire bodyguard services for their extended family. Hiring the services of a bodyguard is not as herculean as it suggests. They are professionals and can easily blend with your lifestyle. Below are some of the myths about vip protection bodyguard services.
They will beat up people for you
Bodyguards are professionals and will not beat up anyone for you. They will obey the laws of the land where they operate. A professional bodyguard service should not including fighting. They are trained to read situations and keep you protected the best way they can.
They are untrained hard men
Professional bodyguards undergo training. They attend some training courses before they can serve as bodyguards. They are trained on how to act, what to wear and etiquette. A professional bodyguard is also trained in dealing with royals, firearms and first aid. Other forms of training involve unarmed combat and defensive driving. They should not have a criminal record. All in all, bodyguard services are professionally trained to handle any situation they find themselves.
They must be armed
Bodyguards are not policemen. They may not necessarily be armed. In fact, it is very tedious procuring arms for non law enforcement personnel. Due logistics must be in place, and permits must be obtained. In some countries, bodyguards are strictly prohibited from carrying arms. Bodyguard services don’t have to be armed to serve you.
He or She can double as a driver
While bodyguards can fit into to lifestyle, they are not jacks of all trade. The goal of bodyguard services is to carry out the job as best as possible. A bodyguard cannot efficiently drive and protect you. They are called close protection operatives. It is normally advised to get two bodyguards or a bodyguard and a professional driver.
All bodyguards are men
All bodyguards are not men. In some situations, a male bodyguard is not needed. In guarding royals, a female bodyguard is usually preferred as leader of the team. This is so as to convey softness on first impression especially with the others out of site. Female bodyguards are also preferred in young families. Children generally are able to deal with female bodyguards better. With males, kids may likely get scared easily.
They must be ex-military or police
When seeking bodyguard services, being ex-military or police should not be a strong criterion. In fact, having a military or police background does not guarantee success as a bodyguard. Not automatically although the skills can easily be applied as a bodyguard. Such a person can also work alone or under pressure due to experience. Despite this, some form of training is necessary.
Bigger is always better
The size of your bodyguard does not make them better protectors. It does not make them more fit or better their reaction times. Someone too big will draw unnecessary attention. A professional bodyguard should not standout.
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