The universe is a multi-dimensional miasma of complex proportions. Worlds exist within worlds, as part of an inexplicable greater whole of infinite proportions. Myriad energy forces pulse relentlessly within this cosmic realm, providing clues as to the nature of life itself. With no discernible beginning or ending, the universe and all its inhabitants are locked in a space-time continuum until eternity. Human comprehension of this macrocosm is impossible, yet a handful of supremely adept spiritual guides live among us through the ages. Much of what we understand is finite in nature, beginnings and endings. Yet the very life force which animates everything is omnipotent and eternal. These elements are not easily explained by science, and oftentimes summarily dismissed as part of the organic and chemical make-up of living beings.
The great scholars of our time have long since understood the value of the spiritual realm; the unseen elements which interact to bring serenity into our hearts. One of the greatest human quests is that for knowledge. Comprehension of who we are, where we come from, and where we’re going is sacrosanct. To better understand ourselves, we need to dig deep beneath the surface to the metaphysical elements that are central to our very being. When we yearn for answers, and we hear the bitter sounds of silence, it is time to transcend into a new realm. Psychic readings have been around since time immemorial, and despite a degree of skepticism by mainstream science, there can be no disputing the merit of an accurate psychic reading.
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Why Are We Here & What is Our Purpose?
Indeed, the very essence of our existence is predicated on the notion of purpose – that being to make the world a better place. That many of us are governed by a moral compass is important insofar as it indicates a desire for doing good in this world. That innate yearning is born from forces well beyond our control. If, by our actions, we can make this world a better place for our children and our children’s children, we have truly succeeded. Our raison d’être is to translate pure thoughts into pure deeds, with no malice or ill will towards others.
Throughout our life journey, we are connected with the living and those who have transcended into other worlds. Since energy is never created nor destroyed, it exists in different spatial realms, in different forms. A soul is a unique energy force which occupies a vessel in the corporeal world. The passing of a body is not the passing of a soul. It is merely the continuance of an age-old journey for a kindred spirit to enter the world in another form. Naturally, such musings may summarily be dismissed by those who deem it unscientific or outlandish. Yet there are those among us with psychic abilities who are adeptly qualified at receiving information through a multitude of sources, including words, sounds, and voices. This specialized field of study is known as clairaudience.
Opening New Channels for Communicating with the Spiritual Realm
At this juncture, you may well be wondering what is a Clairaudience reading? The answer to this question is multifold as it involves an extensive understanding of supernatural forces. Clairaudience is a unique field of study whereby psychics are able to tune in to the precise frequency of the spiritual world. These gurus can discern the internal and external musings of spirits as they communicate with the living. Much like any supernatural ability which a fraction of humanity is blessed with, this can occur at any point in a person’s life. These abilities can begin as subtle ringing in one’s ears, or changes in pressure in the auditory canal.
As the ability is enhanced, clear voices may be heard. At this point, the human vessel becomes a conduit, or a gateway for communication with otherworldly elements. Questions and answers flow freely. These readings by credible psychics are typically undertaken in an enhanced frame of mind. Meditation is necessary to de-clutter the mind and to focus expressly on the angels, spirits, and otherworldly elements which need to communicate with the living. The guidance which flows is pure, uninhibited, and comforting. Anyone who has experienced angst, anguish, suffering, loss, or unanswered questions can benefit immeasurably from opening up to these elements and taking in all that clairaudience has to offer.
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