The job market is always evolving, and there are jobs that are viewed as the best one year only to disappear from the radar a year later. The ever-changing dynamics of demand and supply are the reasons why this happens all the time. The other big possibility is the emergence of better roles that tend to pugs old ones out of the picture. Jobs that may have been a hit two years ago are o longer at the top right now. The following are some of the most in-demand jobs in 2021.
Marine Experts
You may have seen somewhere that humans have only uncovered slightly under 20% of the oceans; this leaves a whooping 80% still unknown, making them one of the greatest mysteries on the planet. In a bid to learn more about it, there are some jobs that have popped up that are in high demand across the globe due to the fact that very few people do them; being a marine expert opens up a lot of opportunities that are not just limited to the oceans and seas. You can work as an aquarium and pond expert, teaching people how to set them up in their homes and how to use things like a filter foam and other filter media.
Data Science Specialists
Data is the new gold, and anyone who is actively engaged in any sort of work that deals with data is making a lot of money. Data comes in many forms, and as the world is getting more automated by the day, the race to have the best brains in the data world is the difference between a company that thrives and the ones that fall by the wayside. If you have been unsure of what path to take in your life, it is time you considered taking up a data science course, and companies will be fighting over you even before you graduate.
Mental Health Experts
Mental health has been a big issue for as long as man has been in existence, the only difference between now and back then is that we are taking it more seriously now as opposed to how people used to dismiss it in the past as nothing more than an illusion. As stress levels increase due to the many pressures of the modern world, this spike has led to the high demand for mental health specialists who are now tasked with the hard job of helping people deal with the many traumas that are making it hard for them to function as they need to. Being a mental health expert right now will net you a very good job in any location around the world.
Digital Content Creators
With all the businesses shifting their presence online, it was only a matter of time before digital marketing became a big business, and right now, the world is right in the middle of a digital marketing boom. With over 3.5 billion smartphones in use around the globe, businesses have been trying to get a share of these huge numbers to sell, and the best way to get to that ahead of the competition is to hire digital content creators who come up with creative ways of driving human traffic to businesses, helping them sell. The digital content market has grown so much in the last three years, thanks to the emergence of great social media platforms that have made all this possible.
Nurses have seen their stock rise over the centuries, and now they are almost hitting their peak. Attention has slowly been shifting to healthcare, and as many countries around the world try to find ways to make it more accessible to everyone, nurses are the cogs and the wheels that have the power to make or break this movement. Their services are some of the most sought after, especially in developed countries where specialized medical help is highly valued. This is the reason why many third-world countries are experiencing a very massive brain drain as their best nurses are lured to other countries where the pay is better.
Web Developers
This has been at the top of the food chain for a while now, but their stock keeps rising, especially as we enter the e-commerce era where every business is trying to have their own online store that allows them to sell their wares directly to their customers without using a third-party platform. This has created a demand for web developers to create these online stores. Web development is also one of the longest-lasting jobs on this list because the work doesn’t end with the creation of the website, they are also tasked with the creation of mobile apps to support the website, and all these require continuing maintenance and upgrades meaning the job never ends.
There are thousands of other jobs that are equally as important and in-demand as the ones outlined in this list, and there are more coming up as we speak. The job market is an ever-changing entity, and what may be hot right now can fizzle out and disappear the next day, or even something that many thought was no longer a viable profession three years ago can make a sudden comeback. Always keep an eye out for these trends to take advantage of by making the right career decision in your life.
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