The Most Common Misconceptions about E-liquid

The Most Common Misconceptions about E-liquid

Vaping is becoming popular by the day. One in three cigarette users in America are vaping, and the vaping industry has, as a result, become a multi-billion pound industry. The concept of vaping is, however, still very new to most people. For that reason, you would expect them to hold several misconceptions about it, which make it hard for one to distinguish between the benefits and dangers of vaping are. Here are some of the myths that you need to look out for.

  1. You can’t tell the components of your e-liquid

This is one of the misconceptions that make most people reluctant about vaping. No one wants to consume something that they don’t know of. Reliable suppliers London Vape Co will always highlight the different components of your e-liquid and how it was made. Most e-liquids have four main ingredients: propylene glycol, nicotine, natural flavoring and vegetable glycerine. Always go with high-quality products like these, which have different elements clearly indicated.

  1. E-liquids are all the same

This is not true. There are e-liquids that contain zero nicotine. It is worth noting that the e-liquids have different nicotine strength. They are categorized into three: low, medium, and high. The low nicotine juice is created for the light smokers, the medium nicotine juice is meant for the average smokers, and the high nicotine juice is designed for the chain smokers.

  1. They don’t help if one wants to quit smoking

Because e-cigarettes were actually made to help smokers quit, this is a misconception that you need to avoid. The beauty of using vapers is that it enables you to control the amount of nicotine that one takes. The nicotine juices come with different strengths, and one can cut on the amount he or she consumes every time. This eventually leads to the user staying nicotine free in the end.  Quitting the consumption of nicotine is often challenging due to the withdrawal symptoms that come with the attempt.

  1. Smoking and vaping are the same

Vaping and smoking are certainly not the same. Smoking poses a risk to one’s health as the act of smoking introduces toxic and carcinogenic products in the body. In the long run, one may even end up losing the sense of taste and smell. Vaping, on the other hand, does not have such disastrous effects.

These are the major existing misconceptions about E-liquids. With that knowledge, you will be able to understand why vaping is the better means of consuming nicotine.