5 Mental Health Benefits Of Running That Will Make You Get Off The Couch

5 Mental Health Benefits Of Running That Will Make You Get Off The Couch

There are numerous health benefits of running and we all know that it should be a regular part of our workouts. But did you know that running is equally beneficial for mental health? If done regularly, this exercise routine may help you maintain and even enhance your mental health.

Need more motivation to jump up and start running?

Here are some of the ways through which running will help you sharpen your mind:

  1. It Reduces Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety attacks, depressive thoughts, and other related symptoms can make life pretty hard for many of us.Runners tend to free their minds while running and they feel better afterwards, so the vicious cycle of depressive thoughts is broken, which is why running can be a great way to improve mental health through self care.

There are several other positive effects of running as well—runners usually find it easier to approach their problems and decide upon viable solutions. Even if they get a foot injury, there’s a solution as they can easily consult the foot and ankle surgeons. You can also use an advice and help in recovery with brilliant orthopedic doctors in Portland.

  1. It Helps In Achieving Enhanced Memory

Running improves learning abilities. More specifically, mental health patients show signs of better memory and more clarity in their focus upon tasks when they indulge in running.

Some might think that this positive change is due to the chemicals released through exercise. However, some physical changes also result in these benefits. Plus, when the running evolves into a definite habits, the changes are much more apparent.

Running is even beneficial for the elderly who love to stay fit. Since running enables new neurons to form in the brain, older runners can face a slower cognitive decline while going through the aging process.

  1. It Gives You Better Sleep

Many people are plagued by their inability to either fall asleep or stay asleep at night. The lack of rest can wreak havoc on our physical and mental health, but running might also be able to help out here.

Runners have found it easier to fall asleep and stay that way for most of the night. This improved sleep cycle will also improve their energy levels.

  1. More Brain Cells Means Higher Focus

Running regularly can result in the creation of new brain cells or neurons. Neurons are the cells that carry around the information within the brain. This is what makes our memory and focus so much sharper when we run regularly.

This means that our hippocampus, which is the part of our brain responsible for happiness, increases in size when we run. The result is higher motivation and a tendency to remain happy and positive at all times.

  1. It Helps You Boost Your Confidence


Image Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/sport-shoe-sport-shoe-run-nature-3340598/

Not many people realize this, but running can actually work to improve your confidence. Low self-esteem can be quite painful to overcome. With running firmly on your schedule, you might find such problems easier to overcome.

With running, we’re usually pushing our bodies towards achieving higher goals. Plus, we get a sense of freedom, empowerment, and health at the same time. When we know just how capable our physical body is, our mind will also be able to rise to tough occasions.

The Takeaway

It doesn’t take much to start running. While outdoors is best, you can even set up a running routine right at home. Count your tracks and run to work each day, or set aside time for this activity. If you have physical issues, you should visit an orthopedic before planning a running routine.

With so many links between positive mental health and running, it’s simply not worthwhile to afford to miss out on the benefits. Therefore, it’s the right time to make the most of running and give your mind the treat it deserves.