Saving the lives of hundreds of people every day, medical professionals are undeniably the true heroes of our society. You are constantly putting your life in danger to save others, especially in a year of a global pandemic. While you take care of everyone, it wouldn’t be fair if you weren’t provided with the same. This is why Insync Insurance brings you the Medical Professional Indemnity Insurance so that you feel safe at all times, and heal people worry-free.
What is Medical Indemnity Insurance?
From surgeons to doctors to normal practitioners, all of them are a constant risk of defamation and harm. The weight on their shoulders is already too heavy where they should certainly not worry about all these aspects and this is why Insync provides you with Insurance that covers all the claims that go against your professional duties and threatens your job security for false reasons.
Claims against you might include physical or mental damage to the patient or even a misdiagnosis. Sometimes these claims are put forth just to defame the doctor and are completely fake. These claims can be fought so that your reputation remains intact.
Why Insync Insurance only?
Covering and fighting all these claims that are put up against you is just the first part of our job. We even provide you with Run-Off and Extended Cover so that even when you have retired from practice, you can still save yourself from future derogatory claims under these Run-Off and Extended Covers.
We have an entire team that focuses only on Healthcare Indemnity. This team works day and night for you so that all the concerns regarding claims, policies, and quotations are dealt with properly at all times with quick response. Every client of ours gets their account manager who will make this process more personalized for you and as per your suiting. No pressure on you at any time, as we give you flexible covers and you only need to pay for the sections you select on a monthly basis. Our experts are alert all the time to help you through with legal claims. You can always seek advice from our Medical Indemnity Insurance specialists. Digital services are available as well.
Quick And Easy Access To Indemnity Quotations:
Getting Medical Indemnity Insurance is an extremely slow process and could be very tiring after a certain point in time. But not with Insync, because we have decided to make this process as easy as possible. By digitalizing the entire system, we have eliminated various unnecessary rules and procedures for you and given you a dedicated advisor who would help you throughout. Submit a “Letter of Good Standing” from your current Union and you are good to go. You just need to sign the proposal form which can be done digitally too and then you are truly done.
What All Do We Cover Under Our Policies:
Insync Insurance for you could truly be of great help and we would provide you the security that you deserve. You serve the people without any tension because Insync is going to stand tall behind you regardless.
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