The Mattress You Sleep on Has a Huge Impact on Your Health

The Mattress You Sleep on Has a Huge Impact on Your Health

Too many people don’t think much about their mattress and just buy any mattress which is the cheapest or the best value for money, without ever considering much what type of mattress would be best for them.

Of course, this is a pretty big mistake, especially since you spend so much time actually sleeping on that mattress, and sleep is one of the crucial pillars of your health.

Experts at Mattress Makers share some of the most important ways your mattress is directly affecting your health and why you need to pay closer attention when choosing your next one.

Mattress Allergies Are Real and a Real Nuisance

Well, being allergic to a mattress is a bit of a misnomer, but being allergic to dust mites which can thrive in mattresses is a very real and a very common thing.

Dust mites are tiny microscopic animals which live in our homes and eat dead skin cells and similar things. Even though they are quite common, having them live in your bed in large numbers is really not good.

About 20 million people in the US are allergic to dust produced by dust mites, which is a large enough percentage of the general population that a solution has been found to mitigate this problem – hypoallergenic mattresses, bedsheets, and pillows now exist.

You’ve Got the Firmness All Wrong

Do you toss and turn in your bed and have trouble sleeping at night even though there should be nothing wrong with you?

The source of your problem might be that your mattress is actually too soft or too stiff for your liking. What’s more, your sleeping position will almost certainly dictate the firmness of the mattress which will enable you to sleep best.

If you tend to sleep on your back, a firmer mattress might be the best solution for you, as it supports your spine and ensures that you don’t bend your spine, stressing your back muscles all night.

On the other hand, if your preferred sleeping position is on your stomach, a firm mattress will certainly put pressure on your inner organs, which will keep you awake or at least uncomfortable through the night. A soft mattress is a much better option.

If you sleep on your side, the firmness of your mattress can be left to your personal preference, as neither type will have much impact on your sleep quality.

Sleeping on a New Mattress Reduces Stress

A study conducted in 2009 has shown that people who sleep on a brand new mattress experience a much better sleep quality and a significantly lower stress level compared to sleeping on an old mattress.

Even though the study was small in scope, the results showed a significant margin between the two stress levels.

One possible explanation is that buying new things and enjoying them prevents us from worrying and stressing out over minute things which might keep us up at night.

An alternative explanation put forward by the authors of the study is that it is possible that some of the people involved in a study simply had mattresses which needed replacement, and that a brand new mattress enabled them to sleep better, reducing the stress levels in a very natural and simple way.

A lot of our health comes down to having a good night sleep and a moderate, varied diet, but a lot of people simply ignore these simple and easy ways to improve their lives.

If you can, find a good mattress and adjust your diet and you will see how the small but annoying little health problems just go away.