For many people, Twitter seems to be a mysterious universe. You hardly know how to compress your thoughts in 140 characters, while the concept of retweeting and liking people’s posts is challenging to understand, at least at first.
Building your personal brand is even more of a risk – you want to reach out because you see the enormous potential of connecting with customers, influencers or other brands such as Tuft & Needle at Lowe’s. You see the success that people are achieving on the platform, and you want it for your own brand as well. However, many people have joined it simply because they think they should be there, not necessarily because of a strategic decision. Here are some steps you can follow to build your own brand as well.
Follow the leaders and do your best to learn from them
Twitter is a steep learning curve for a beginner, so do not rush – take your time and learn from the best about marketing yourself, because that is how the most successful people begin.
Find people you admire and follow them to see their content. Among the best aspects of Twitter is that you do not need to go so far so that you get a marketing trick. It gives you freedom to observe how the pros do it, and apply it to your own account.
Another strategy you can use is engaging these influencers directly. They are still human at the end of the day, and they want praise just like anyone else. However, do not go into the platform expecting immediate home runs and attention from them. If they decide to follow you or even mention you – that is the best news you can ever get, and it will help you build your reputation on the site.
Define what your brand is about
The best step to building a brand on Twitter or any other form of social media is defining what you want your brand to be about in the first place. This gives you the best chance of showing other people your skills, interests and abilities.
For instance, you can state three niches you are working the most in – like writing, social media marketing and life mentorship. From there, select two or three main topics for the personal brand content that are related to these niches.
You can of course post whatever else you want, but the main topic should be about the selected niches you are focusing on. When you do this, you will steadily build a following on twitter that appreciate the content you offer.
Make your profile look good
You are probably familiar with the saying that a picture is worth a thousand words – it rings particularly true in the context of social; media, especially on platforms like Instagram or Twitter. For this reason, do not be careless with your profile – make sure it showcases you in a positive light.
Very many people will check out your content on your account, so make sure it shows the very best. Remove the idea of having a Twitter egg for an avatar, and use an image that represents your brand or who you are. Again, avoid pet photos for your avatar, unless you are not intending to use your account for business matters, or if you are a veterinarian. It is probably best to go with something else that looks more professional.
Create and showcase worthwhile content constantly
Your profile and your tweets are images of yourself, and people will perceive your personality based on what they see. If you are only tweeting negative things, you will be viewed as a naysayer. When you are constantly tweeting helpful information, you will be seen as an expert in that field, and will grow your reputation as a result. Those people that have impressive Twitter brands all have one thing in common – they all post valuable content.
Aim for as many tweets spread throughout the day as possible, but if you see positive engagement, keep on going. The main lesson here is learn your rhythm as you go along.
For instance, you can check up on tweets every hour for about five minutes an tweet something, or you can spread it even more throughout the day. Just stick to useful content, and you will be okay. In addition, do not just make your account one of only retweets and likes, try your best to post original content, and make it as interesting and as helpful as possible.
Engage with others
Twitter thrives on engagements – as long as you tweet to others and show you can talk to them, they are more likely to engage with you in return. Make sure to put some time aside for your followers. Talk with them, as well as influencers that you hope to reach and build relationships with.
If you do not know where to start, perhaps taking a look at the bio of the person as well as their recent tweets can help in making a connection to them, or having a conversation to start off on. However, keep in mind that the ‘robotic-like’ engagements are never helpful in building your brand – they make you come across as someone who does not have time to talk to others. All the experts on the platform tend to handle every response manually, so that they stay connected to their followers.
In addition, it is important to remember that you are the face of your brand, and no one is better equipped to handle it than you. When you establish connections with people, you will soon become an authority yourself in that field.
Final thoughts
Twitter marketing may be challenging, but when it is done right, it can land you in a good place of influence, and there is a lot you can learn from successful brands on the site. Above all, be yourself on your social media platforms, even if it is primarily for business – let your personality shine through, be sincere and you will eventually draw people to your brand.
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Pretty interesting article. Never thought in this ways.. anyways thank you