Spring cleaning is a concept used to get a home back in order each year. Make sure everything has its place and get rid of any extras that aren’t needed. This same concept can be used to make extra money if you know how to do it right.
Next time you are cleaning your house, regardless of the season, keep the following ideas in mind. You’ll be surprised how cleaning house can pay off.
What to Sell
First, let’s talk about what items are more likely to be worth something if you decide to sell them.
Whether you’ve developed a new style or purchased a new wardrobe to celebrate a personal achievement, you likely have items you could sell to get some money back. As long as they’re clean and in excellent condition, it’s worth listing the clothing item online to see if someone wants to snag it.
Any selling site from Poshmark to Letgo can help you clear out your wardrobe to make space for new swag. Channel your inner #GirlBoss and list items you don’t wear often or that no longer fit.
Precious Stones and Metals
If you have a piece of jewelry that is a bit funky but made from quality materials, it’s still worth something. Even though you might have trouble selling the article as is, a local jewelry store might be interested in the stones to reuse in new pieces. Metals can even be sold to melt down and form new jewelry.
Get any pieces appraised by a certified jewelry appraiser at a reputable store to know the value of the original article. This could help in getting a higher price when selling but won’t guarantee a price match.
Unless you’re sporting multiple watches at once, you might find that you could part with some that don’t match your current style or that you’ve never worn before. If they’re high end, choosing to sell your luxury watches could bring in more than several outfits.
Are you someone who’s been carrying around textbooks from college? Maybe you have some classics that might be studied in English courses. Perhaps you want to pass on a story you enjoyed to the next reader.
eBay is a wonderful platform to resell books you don’t plan to read or read again. You might not get much for used books, but if you sell 100 books for $1.00 each, that’s an extra $100 you didn’t have before.
You may want to check Cash4Books.net first. This website doesn’t require you to make a listing. Instead, your book will be purchased immediately by the site if it is eligible, so you are guaranteed money even if the book doesn’t sell quickly on the other end. It’s also free to ship the book, and then you’re done!
Where to Sell
Now that you know what items to look for, it’s important to understand the different options for where to sell them. A few places online have been mentioned, but those are only the beginning of what is available.
Consignment Shops
If you prefer to get items out of your home quickly, you can find a consignment shop that will keep your article until it sells. They’ll manage the entire process and notify you if the item is purchased.
Consignment stores accept a variety of items. Small items, like jewelry, and larger items, like furniture, can usually be taken in and housed if there is space available.
Second Hand Stores
Similar to Cash4Books.net, some retail stores will purchase your items from you, then turn them around to sell back to the public. Name brand clothing items are likely to get bought by secondhand stores, so you can be done with the item rather than waiting for it to sell at a consignment shop or online listing.
Garage Sale
Don’t underestimate a classic garage sale. They’re perfect for items that need to go. If you’ve exhausted other physical avenues to sell your stuff and want the piece gone, this might be your best option. Individuals who frequent garage sales are usually looking for a bargain, so they’ll be willing to take your belongings for a low price.
Online Marketplaces
A few have been mentioned above, but there seem to be endless options online to sell anything you want to get rid of. Making a listing on Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist is simple. These online marketplaces are like virtual garage sales.
If you notice your item isn’t selling, lower the price to see if anyone bites. No matter how you’re selling any of your stuff, you have to keep in mind you’re most likely not going to get what it’s worth in your eyes. However, whatever price you do sell it for is more than what you had before you sold it.
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