Even though I create hundreds of different designs and machine embroideries each month, I never grow tired of it!
With my trusty embroidery sewing machine and an imagination full of ideas, I’ve grown to love my hobby/business over time.
And as the years have passed I’ve grown to understand what my customers want and how to give it to them.
Some clients know exactly what they want, and they make sure I know what it is.
Others are a little unsure, which is why they trust my judgment when it comes to conceptualizing machine embroidery designs.
Last week I created a checklist for how to run an embroidery business Today I decided to adapt that list into a blog and pass on this valuable knowledge to you!
Hope it helps!
Design Consistency for Bulk Orders
The first thing to note is the importance of consistency. It’s the main thing that keeps my customers happy and coming back for more orders.
While you were doing embroidery as a hobby for friends and family, you didn’t have to worry too much about sticking to the same format every time.
But now, your clients expect bulk orders to have uniformity. If one design differs from the rest, it will be rejected.
Always keep the following in mind when embroidering:
– Stick to the same placement on certain object. For example, if you’re doing a bunch of caps, position the design on the same place on each one.
– Keep to the same size. If you’re doing a logo for someone, be sure to measure the same size for each one. Size variations give off the impression that your operation is unprofessional.
– Keep all your templates. If a client comes back with a repeat order, they’ll want the exact same look as before. Don’t disappoint.
Make Friends with a Great Embroidery Machine
Consistency is also easier when you have the right tools for the job.
A good sewing machine that’s been designed especially for embroidery will cost you in the beginning, but it will pay itself off in no time if you use it to its full potential.
Machines allow you to produce bulk order quickly. Choose a machine that’s strong enough to penetrate all kinds of materials. Test your machine out before you purchase it. Select one that you feel completely comfortable with.
During your time as a machine embroidery designer you’ll come across several challenges. Having the perfect embroidery sewing machine will mitigate the difficulty of those challenges—trust me!
Use Templates
As mentioned, templates allow you to repeat an order over again with precision and consistency.
Templates give you the freedom to create a design in any color you want. It takes a lot of the guesswork and frustration out of getting every design perfect.
And yes, your clients will demand perfection every single time!
The web is full of templates for embroidering almost anything. But consider creating your own. This will set your work apart form other machine embroidery designs.
Be unique and get creative. Customers love originality, so make something gorgeous!
Get Inspired and Spoiled for Choice
In addition to template searching, I also browse the web—sometimes for hours—looking for inspiration from other machine embroidery ideas.
The internet is full of new designs that motivate me to try new things. Embroidery is such a flexible art. You have so many different choices:
– The surface you choose to embroider on
– The patterns and designs are virtually limitless
– Color selection! (my favorite part)
– Ingenious combinations
If it’s your job to conceptualize a new design, the web has tons of ideas. You don’t have to copy them, but they will certainly give you a lot of inspiration.
Thick and Bold
Some of my favorite designs stay true to the embroidery ‘tradition’. They are thick, bold and distinct.
Not all designs can possess these traits, because they require finer details. But there’s always a place for good old fashioned embroidery that catches people’s eye.
When creating a bold design with emphatic outlines, you may need to go over the same areas more than once—or alongside those areas to embolden them.
For this you will need a decent embroidery sewing machine. Get a high quality machine that promises to last long despite heavy stitching.
With bold designs you want to establish a 3D effect. You can do this by thickening the outlines while keeping the inside of your design flat. If your deign is nothing but font, then outlines the outside of the letters to emphasize them.
Finer Embroidery Designs
You’ll need that machine for the more detailed designs too.
Over time you will learn to master your machine embroidery design skills. As you use your machine more regularly you’ll become more accustomed to how it functions and what it can do.
You have the potential for extremely fine detail in your designs. But it does take a fair amount of skill to master the skill of fine embroidery design.
Actively browse some web tutorials that focus on advanced embroidery. Not only will you see some great designs, but you’ll learn how to make your own!
Fabric Manipulation
You can further elaborate on your design by throwing in another wonderful element: fabric manipulation!
There are various ways you can fold, steam or pin your embroidery surface to either emphasize, alter or embellish a design.
The most advanced embroiders know how to manipulate fabric after an embroidery. But it takes a real expert to manipulate the surface beforehand and commence embroidery post manipulation and investigate this page https://sewingmachinebuffs.
For more tips on how to manipulate fabrics and surfaces, search for images on the web. If you want to learn how to perform fabric manipulation, you may want to get face-to-face training, as a video tutorial may not be sufficient to teach you some of the more advanced techniques. A die-cut machine is easy and extremely handy for any DIY or small business
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