When you have your own business there might come a time when you have to hire employees. Your business will only ever be as strong as the people you hire to keep it afloat, getting this wrong can end your business. If you find yourself constantly hiring new staff as old ones leave then you can find yourself with a high employee churn rate. This can be detrimental so it is essential you get it right from the start. Check out the list below to find out how you can make your employees feel valued so they stick around.
If your employees come to you with an issue then it is important you show them that you care and value them. Fixing their issues or working around other disputes means your employees will respect you far more as a boss. It might also be nice, especially for parents if you offer flexibility to work from home. Having a hybrid or fully remote working schedule means parents have more freedom to be able to do school drop offs and pickups. When you hire new individuals, instead of telling them their working hours why don’t you ask what hours they would prefer?
Don’t be afraid to offer training and promotions as you get further into your business. The more money you make, the more you can put towards training your staff to do better jobs. If you are worried about your employees leaving after they have trained with you then you could put a clause in their contract. Many companies do this and they usually specify if the employee leaves before twelve months then they will take the payment for the course or training out of their salary.
Something you can give back to your employees is a kitchen full of refreshments. They will really appreciate this especially if they tend to work long hours. Throughout the day if you have a coffee machine or even a vending machine then they will be able to grab a little pick me up. Energy levels can affect productivity so it works out better for you to grab a commercial coffee machine to provide to your staff. You may need to buy the inserts separately or the company might also supply these. Do your research as occasionally you can get the coffee machine or vending machine at a monthly or weekly cost rather than paying outright.
Days Out
Finally, a great thing you can do is have an office day out. This means no work will be discussed and you can all have a wonderful time getting to know each other. This could be anywhere from a theme park to centerparcs, they are very used to having team building days. It is nice for everyone to come together after a day of doing their own thing for a meal and a few drinks. Make sure that everyone is invited and that if they are unable to come due to transport issues that you try and find a solution to this. Team building days are never far away from the office location so there may be a few carpooling choices on the day.
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