Before the internet became the all-encompassing deity that the world knows and loves, it started out as something a bit more simplistic. There were no search engines–there were web directories, guiding people to useful and interesting resources of information. People were able to easily figure out what sites would best align with their interests, and website owners were able to generate organic traffic exclusively. Directories are still around, despite the uprising of the search engine platform, but they are not used in the same ways.
The SEO Boom
One of the original strategies for improving search engine optimization was to submit a site to a plethora of link directories. The more link directories a website was posted on, the more backlinks it had. The more backlinks a site had, the higher it ranked in search engine results. It was one of the easiest ways to increase visibility and generate traffic, and it was even recommended by a few major search engines at the time. As the internet grew, though, this method became insubstantial for a variety of reasons. Directories no longer symbolized legitimate content, and search engines began discounting such links.
What Does This Mean For SEO In 2018?
Link directories might not be the answer to all of a website owner’s search engine optimization woes as they were back in the day, but that does not mean they are useless. Some link directories can improve SEO, provided they are not the only method being utilized. Which link directory a website owner uses makes a huge difference, however, since some link directories are bad news. Certain link directories can get a website penalized, while others can boost rankings in spite of their no link status. Search engines like Google take significantly more into consideration nowadays, using an algorithm to measure quality the same way the average human would. Therefore, having a site listed in a bunch of reputable, quality link directories is a great way to build up a solid foundation.
Link Directories–Yes Or No?
Link directories are good for a site in much the same way that social media is good for a site. They provide site owners the opportunity to establish credibility and inspire trust. It’s a way to get the name out there and establish a valid connection. While social media allows sites to connect with their target demographic in a reputable way, link directories allow sites to manifest validity in an unsafe online world. Comparable to an application fee, a link directory entry allows the internet to see that a website is a serious candidate worthy of further investigation. Submitting a website to a credible, valid link directory is a definite yes.
Not all link directories were created equal, as was established earlier. Having a link on a directory that is subpar with a bad reputation isn’t going to do anyone any good. Instead, owners should submit their websites to directories that are seriously moderated. The stricter the approval process, the better. If a website is listed in a few quality directories with legitimate information, like a phone number and a physical address, it is considered to be in higher standing than its opponents. While this might not directly impact the search engine results, it will certainly change the outcome indirectly. The more information provided in the credible directories, the better the results. Everything from hours of operation to a registered business number can help to legitimize a website on a directory. You can’t go wrong by building up a solid foundation.
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