Lawn care during springtime is a bit more intensive than fall. If you properly cared for your lawn during the late fall period, you won’t need to do much when spring comes around. Most of us like to visit our gardens during springtime, to witness the blooming flowers, sparkling light, cool breeze and warm weather. There is also a need to employ the best lawn tips for spring to make your garden benefit from the change in weather. I have experimented with different lawn care tips and find the following suitable for lawn care during spring.
1. Go tough on the weeds
Weed control is needed to maintain a healthy lawn. If your garden is highly susceptible to weeds, start taking necessary action during falls. Going hard on weeds during fall will make it easier for you, as a higher amount of weed would have been taken down before this period.
I use pre-emergent herbicide to tackle weeds in my lawn. A little application can help address weed that managed to survive during fall treatment. It is also possible to use pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicide. The former will discourage the growth of future weed already in the soil, while the post will tackle visible weeds.
Lastly, try not to apply much during springtime, so you don’t hamper the growth of new grasses.
2. Do some fertilizing
Most of my friends enjoy fertilizing during the falls. And when they do, I discourage them from using more fertilizers when spring comes around. In fact, there is no need to add another layer of fertilizer during the spring period. The reason is that cool season grass is well adapted to store fertilizers for a long time. So don’t be surprised when the fertilizer you applied during fall is still in use from that time till summer.
Here are simple tips:
- Bluegrass and rye – cool season lawns
The best time to fertilize these grasses is during fall
- Zoysia and bermudagrass – warm season lawns
You have to wait for these grasses to overcome dormancy before you can apply fertilizer. The fourth mowing is also a great time too.
3. Pay attention to lawn equipment
Lawn care is not all about working all day on the lawn. You need to ensure every single machine you are using is checked properly and functioning at an optimal level. Using the right preventive measures and service can help to ensure your string trimmer, lawnmower, and other tools are working efficiently. So you should check them properly before taking them back to their storage area, and do before and after every use.
Here is a little routine check you can adopt
- Use a wire brush and putty knife to remove mud and accumulated grasses from the blade.
- Take the blades of the lawnmower off and sharpen it as well
- Remove leftover gasoline from the tank to prevent it from causing damage to the carburetor
- Change spark plug and air filter. Using a new spark plug will give assurance that your machine will run optimally. The new air filter, on the other hand, will cause the engine to function smoothly with improved airflow.
Most lawns don’t look great. It is not because they are not in fertile soil. The issue is the care they receive. Without proper care, they won’t grow properly or evenly. However, you can care for your lawn with the simple tips mentioned in this post. It is a matter of knowing what to do and taking the right steps. You can have the perfect lawn or improve the look of your lawn with these simple tips.
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