Transportation is an important part of our lives. Various transportation modes have given people the opportunity to travel anywhere they want. Even if you do not have your own car, you can ride commuter buses and trains to reach your destination.
One of the most notable game-changers in the transportation industry is Uber. Uber has been around since 2009 and has since served more than 75 million people around the world. It has made commuting easier, comfortable, and even personalized.
But just like riding any other modes of transportation, you can still be prone to accidents when riding an Uber. You can consult an Uber accident lawyer in Los Angeles or elsewhere in case you have been involved in an Uber accident.
What to do following an Uber accident
When you are riding in an Uber vehicle, you are using another person’s personal vehicle. Basically, it is not considered a commercially-registered one and may not even be insured as well (unless the driver insured his own vehicle).
Still, what can you do if you get involved in an Uber accident? Moreover, who will pay in case you get injured, or a companion died due to the accident? Can you get compensation after the accident?
Having that said, it is important for you to know the steps you can do to protect your rights as a passenger and a victim.
Once an accident occurs, it is important to make a call for 911 in case you or a companion needs immediate medical attention. Let the authorities from Uber also know of what happened. You can inform them or let the driver inform them.
Get more information about the incident.
If you can, take photos of the accident scene, file a police report, and exchange information with the Uber and the other driver, witnesses, and passengers. This will help determine later on who is mainly responsible for the accident.
Report the incident to different key companies.
As mentioned, it is important that the accident should be reported to Uber. However, you should also make sure to report the accident to your insurance company and the other driver’s insurance agency.
It depends on the insurance coverage, but it should be done when applicable. You can also consult an attorney specializing in accidents and personal injuries.
Claiming insurance
You can have the right to get insurance as part of the compensation for any injuries and other hassles you got following the accident. However, it depends on whether who is at fault on the accident.
For example, the aggrieved passenger can claim against the Uber driver’s insurance if the latter is found to be at fault. As a result, the passenger can receive monetary compensation, which covers medical expenses and other damages incurred. However, the passenger may not be covered by insurance if the Uber driver is related to them.
The injured passenger can also claim insurance if the other driver is found to be at fault. On the other hand, the passenger can also claim insurance from his or her own policy. However, certain conditions may apply in these kinds of situations.
Having insurance may come in handy in case of unfortunate events such as road accidents. Still, it is important to know your rights in claiming insurance and get the right compensation you deserve.
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