Jail and Looking Through the Bars

Jail and Looking Through the Bars

Lock up vs Jail vs Prison.

For many of us, these mean, or meant the same thing, a place where bad people go. But it’s a bit more technical than that. Each has a different purpose and you are held in each for a different length of time.

A lock-up is described as for when you are taken in, placed under arrest and put in a cell is like a sheriff’s department overnight. Someone drunk and disorderly may be or driving under the influence. Left in the lock-up to sober up and let off with a fine.

Jail is for more serious offenses, and where you are held till your court hearing comes up. You can be held in jail for up to a year.

Prison is where they send you once you’ve either been in jail for your time and have got your sentence, and where serious criminals are sent straight away.

If you have committed an offense and are let off with a penalty, then you usually have to pay bail to be released. And you are then let out while you await your trial hearing. Find out what bail is here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bail and how it works.

What happens to Bail money?

Well, if you are the person who has paid someone’s bail release and in full, then, on condition that the person shows up to all the required court hearings and lawyer meetings, you will have that money refunded to you.

If they decide to or have missed, one appearance then your money will be forfeited and sucked into a black hole. So be sure the person is responsible and you want to take on this chance, or, get your appointment book ready to make sure you take them to each hearing.

What is a Bail Bondsman?

If you don’t have someone in your family or close friend that is willing to pay bail for you, then you are welcome to use what they call a Bail Bond Agency or Bail Bondsman.

Understand what that is in more detail if you click here, but essentially it is a person who will pay on your behalf till the trial is over and they are refunded. There are different types of bondsmen too, so read up and see what is best suited for you.

3 Signs You Need to Know when Choosing a Bail Bondsman.

  • Know the bail amount and his fee should be around 10% of that figure, anything near the 15% mark is a tell-tale overcharge.
  • If someone has called you instead of the other way around, be careful. Think, how do they know about your situation before you have even said anything?
  • Fees for their services are usually taken upfront, any interest they want to charge is a red flag.

The situation you have gotten yourself in is already on edge for you and your family, not taking the time to do some research or your homework when it comes to getting a bail handout could come back to bite you in the leg.

Make sure you use a legitimate bail bondsman for the job, who can help you get out of your jam. And hopefully your life back on track.

It is possible to post bail by yourself if you are financially capable, but you will need to pay the full cash amount at the time of the bail posting.

Being in Jail.

I sometimes wonder what it’s like to be in jail. I am sure it is nothing like in the movies. It is much worse. The films seem to make it look easy-going, simple rules to stick to if you want to ‘survive’ on the inside as they say. Stick to the right gang or try to be a wallflower and not get noticed.

But is it like that? Are the yards filled with fitness equipment and everyone is pumping iron? Are the lunch areas packed with hungry, angry prisoners? A real-life look into what it’s like to be incarcerated for the night and how this woman found the experience.

Meals in prison.

Although inmates have not been model citizens and are baring the consequences by being in jail, the basic human rights to a decent meal should not be unrecognized.

Having sufficient food to maintain energy levels and a healthy weight should be looked at as a priority.

Foods high in fats will provide longer-lasting fuel for the day, plus they give the essential oils our bodies need to function effectively.

So, what type of meals ‘do’ prisoners get given? Have a look here https://www.themarshallproject.org/2015/07/07/what-s-in-a-prison-meal to see what’s on the menu.


Activities in Prison.

Are the stories true that you hear inmates have play stations in their cells and flat-screen TVs? From what I’ve heard and read there are things most prisoners do all around the world.

Sleep, work out or watch tv are the common top 3 forms of entertaining themselves. Then some write letters to family on the outside while waiting for visitations, they play chess or cards and have a side hustle of gambling with regards to small wagers or bets on odds. If you’re curious of what other stuff they do, check this out.

New ventures that have become increasingly popular are skilled trade classes or workshops where you come out with a certificate or even furthering your career by doing a course.

Whatever your interest is whilst in prison, make sure you focus on becoming a better version of yourself for the next chapter.