People from different age categories benefit from the use of fluoride available in a variety of dental care products, food, and also the water we drink every day. Fluoride helps in strengthening the outer cover of your teeth. Several treatments involving the use of the mineral have proved to be beneficial to those who have had it done on them.
When it comes to fluoride treatment, products that contain higher concentrations of the mineral are used. A good example is fluoride varnish. It is a product that is widely used in fluoride treatment procedures. Fluoride varnish is in the form of a gel that is golden in appearance and is usually applied to the teeth during treatment.
Following the right procedures of application will help ensure you get quality results from its use. Cleaning your teeth through brushing or going for a scaling process is essential in getting rid of stains on your teeth that can dilute the effects of fluoride in the product.
You can use prophy paste which plays a critical role in removing all the stains from your teeth, leaving them smooth and clean. This makes the process of fluoride absorption in your teeth much easier. Your dentist will apply the product on the surface of your teeth using a soft brush.
Fluoride varnish should stay on your teeth for a while so that the mineral can be absorbed to produce its qualities. You can later brush, rinse, and spit it. After application, you are not allowed to consume any food or beverage. It is the same after spitting it out.
Your teeth are usually sensitive during such a period, and taking a hot meal or drink can bring about severe pain. Such aftercare procedures also help ensure that the product works effectively on your teeth to bring out the desired results.
Why Fluoride Varnish is Worth It
Many are not yet sure whether they should undergo this type of treatment or invest their money in buying fluoride varnish to improve the state of their dental health. Well, there are so many reasons why you should try the use of fluoride varnish for the well-being of your teeth. Here is why you should try it out.
Best for Preventing Cavities
Cavities are common in both young kids and adults. These are holes that may start forming from different sides of your teeth due to bacterial metabolism that leads to the production of corrosive acid. The acid produced is what wears out your teeth leading to the formation of cavities. Fluoride varnish strengthens your enamel, making it resistant to acid action. The chances of deep holes or cracks forming on your teeth are very minimal when you use the product.
Strong and Healthy Teeth
Fluoride varnish is also essential for the development of strong and healthy teeth. It contains fluoride deposits that are responsible for the development of a stronger enamel when absorbed in your teeth. Your teeth will be much stronger, and you will be able to consume certain types of food when you use fluoride varnish for your treatment.
Best for Tooth Decay Prevention
Tooth decay is a condition that leads to the destruction of the enamel. Your teeth can become discolored, and cavities will also form in the process. This usually happens as a result of bacteria action which leads to the formation of acid that destroys your teeth. Fluoride varnish strengthens your enamel and also helps in getting rid of bacteria that can subject your teeth to decay. The chances of experiencing such a condition are very minimal.
Saves You Money
You will also save a lot of money when you undergo fluoride varnish treatment. This is because it prevents the emergence of conditions that may force you to spend a lot of money on your medications in the future. Fluoride varnish prevents bacteria inhibition, vital for your dental health. The chances of experiencing dental conditions requiring costly treatments are very minimal. It will also protect you from other ailments that arise as a result of the dental conditions you are experiencing.
With all these benefits, you should schedule several periods in a year when you will be going for fluoride varnish treatments. It is a procedure that should be carried out twice or thrice in a year because doing it more often can subject your teeth to several risks. Higher concentrations of fluoride in fluoride varnish can destroy your teeth and also stain them. It is good to go for the procedure every four or six months. Look for a wonderful dental facility that carries out this procedure. One with the right staff and equipment is the best. Proper levels of hygiene should be observed in the facility you want to choose for your treatment.
Fluoride Varnish Home Application
You also have the option of using the product by yourself at home. It is ideal for those who want to save money and time lost when visiting dental clinics. Fluoride varnish is a product you will find being sold openly in most pharmacies and some online medical stores. They have different types that vary in a number of things, including their prices. You should look for the right brand of fluoride varnish product for your home application. Take your time to research and identify which one is the best for your treatments. Consulting a dentist will help you get proper advice on the right type to choose for your personal use. You should also make sure you have everything that may be required for the application of the product at home. Some products stay on your teeth for long, giving room for the slow release of fluoride ions on your teeth.
After purchasing the right type, you can proceed to apply the product by yourself. It is as simple as brushing your teeth. All you need to do is use your soft brush or applicator to smear the fluoride varnish to your teeth. It is usually difficult for one to tell the correct concentration or amount for fluoride varnish to use on their teeth. The severity of your condition can help you choose what is right for your teeth. You should also seek advice from your dentist who will examine you and check your teeth and let you know the right concentration of fluoride to apply. The process to follow when using by yourself is similar to the one you choose when an expert does it. You should also follow the standard aftercare procedures that help ensure you get quality results from the use of fluoride varnish.
Something that might be a worry to many is the safety of fluoride varnish. Some people are scared of using the product because they think it can wear out their teeth completely. Well, this is not the case as long as you do not use it in excessive amounts. You should follow the correct prescription if you don’t want to experience the after-effects linked to the use of the product. Fluoride varnish is safe for everyone, including small kids as long as it is used correctly. Investing in the use of the product for your treatment is worth your money because of the benefits linked to it.
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