First dates are often the best chances we have to get to know someone new. Maybe that someone is a future spouse, or maybe they’re just a decent person who you can enjoy one date with. It’s hard to relax when you’re afraid that you’re not making the impression you want to, though. After all, there’s a tension behind every first date. You don’t want to blow it, so make sure you’ve got the basics down right so you’re not ruining things before they get started.
Don’t be late
We know\ you don’t want to look like a nerd who showed up 20 minutes early, but nothing can mess up a date faster than failing to show up at the right time and place. You never know when you might hit unexpected traffic or realize that you forgot your phone at home, so just leave early and have a glass of water or something at the bar while you wait. It’s a whole lot better than walking up on your date waiting for you twenty minutes after you were supposed to arrive.
Get a haircut
It’s time to tame those locks. If it’s been a while since your last haircut, you may be dealing with a ton of split ends, or you may just look like you’re about to run off and join a hippie commune. Getting your hair trimmed and styled by a professional is important. Chat with your stylist about your options.
Next time you’re asking “what can I do to impress a date,” ask, “where is there a hair salon near me” instead. Don’t forget to take your hair stylist’s advice on how to style your hair once you’re home, either. You want to be leaving the salon with all of the creams and sprays that you need to replicate your post-salon look as closely as possible every day.
Fix your phone screen
No, really — we mean it! Look: If your date doesn’t like the fact that you have an iPhone 8 instead of an iPhone X, that’s really shallow and not worth worrying about. If you’re walking around with a screen all spiderwebbed with cracks, though, there’s nothing shallow about someone thinking that it’s weird. Why can’t you just get your screen fixed? You don’t have to go to the Apple store to do it, there are plenty of experts who offer second hand iPhone X screen repair services. It’s not that expensive, either. Walking around with a phone that looks awful and could cut your fingers when you use it just makes you look cheap, lazy, or both.
It may seem silly to focus on a small thing like this, but let’s face it: On a first date, little clues are pretty much all people have to go on. If you show up with a smartphone that looks like it’s spent some time in a blender, then don’t be surprised if your date gets the impression that your life is as much of a mess as your phone is.
…But put your phone away
We’re realistic enough to know that your date might see your phone at some point during the date — which is why you need to have it in decent shape. But you shouldn’t be on your phone during the date, especially not when your date is right there and talking to you. If you have to sneak a look at social media while your date is in the bathroom, wrap things up before they get back. And if you check the time and see a text, wait until later to read it.
There has been plenty written about how to express your interest on a first date without seeming too eager, but trust us: Looking at your phone on a date goes beyond seeming “too eager.” It’s a huge turn-off, and it’s going to mess up your chances with the nice people you need.
And while you’re off your phone, really listen! Don’t talk about yourself nonstop (this doesn’t just mean a running monologue, by the way — if you punctuate everything your date says with a personal anecdote, that’s still talking too much about yourself). This is your chance to get to know someone. And while you’re at it, try to sneak a peek at their phone screen to make sure it’s not cracked.