Service dogs perform various important tasks for disabled individuals based on their specific requirement. Each service dog is trained specifically in a particular task to assist its partners in completing the activities, which otherwise would have been very difficult for them to complete on their own. The service dog handler will decide the function, type and the title of the dog that has been chosen for a specific service. There are many specializations of services that have been identified based on the nature of disability such as diabetics, allergy, Psychiatry services, and mobility support. Service dogs vary from one another by different breeds, colors, shapes, and sizes of the dogs. Casual onlookers will not be able to differentiate a normal dog from these highly trained service dogs based on their sight alone.
Organizations providing service dogs for disabled American Veterans can visit for financial assistance relating to the acquisition, training, and placement of veteran service dogs. While there is no specific list of service dogs, here are some of the most commonly used classifications of service dogs
Veteran Service Dog
Some Veterans who have spent difficult times in war zones suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) due to which they will suffer from recurrent flashbacks, bad dreams, guilt, fear, and hopelessness. Specially trained Veteran service dogs are of immense importance to the war heroes afflicted with PTSD and mental health conditions to reduce their suicidal thoughts, serious mental breakdowns, thereby reducing their medical and psychiatric costs. Not all dogs can be trained to become veteran service dogs, as only select breeds with specific characteristics will be selected by the organization providing service dogs for military personnel. Next important is the rigorous training process that the chosen dogs need to undergo to become effective veteran service dogs, which is both time-consuming and expensive process
Severe Allergy Alert Dogs
Some disabled individuals or children will be highly allergic to allergens such as gluten tree nuts or shellfish, which if not treated properly can cause considerable risk to the life of the disabled person or the child concerned. Severe Allergy Alert Dogs partner these handlers and they normally wear vests that have provision to store emergency information, medical information or about the medication to be administered in case the handler comes in contact with any of their allergens.
Diabetic Alert Dogs
Diabetic Alert dogs are a specialized type of service dogs that offer great assistance to the handler who suffers from the diabetic disorder. They are specifically trained to alert their disabled partner and offering timely assistance when they develop potentially deadly high sugar highs or lows.
They normally carry emergency protocols in their vests that have details of the emergency medical team in case their disabled cannot be aroused.
Mobility / Brace Supporting Dogs
Some disabled individuals will have balancing issues that could make them often fall due to their disability. Brace/ mobility support dogs help their handlers in bracing or counterbalancing with the help of designed and specially fitted harness to assist their human partner to safety.
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