While the whole world is recovering from the 1st January excesses and the china community is getting started to celebrate the Chinese New Year. The festival atmosphere, the arrival of spring, the flow of lights, and the taste of different dishes are all parts of welcoming the Chinese New Year. With all these necessary parts of New Year celebrations, the contribution of the best CNY goodies is the perfect way to celebrate. Goodies have become a staple in the Chinese New Year festival. CNY goodies are little delicious gems and recognized for their special meanings.
Popular New Year goodies
Singapore is a multicultural nation and celebrates different kinds of festivals all around the year. In their celebration of Chinese New Year, the compulsory element of their feast is to eat goodies. Most of the best CNY goodies are specially prepared for the occasion of the New Year. Some of them are listed below.
Pineapple tarts
Pineapple tarts are made by slow-cooking pineapple extracts on a low fire. When these are perfectly caramelized they are wrapped in a buttery pastry. These pineapple pastries are eaten as thought to bring luck and prosperity in the coming year. These CNY goodies are delicious to eat.
Love letters
In the past love emotions and secret love letters are rolled in wafer biscuits to pass their lovers. When their partner eats them it means their words are received by them. These Chinese New Year goodies are beautifully prepared to convey love.
These best New Year goodies are directly translated to year cake. Niangao are love to eat at the New Year festival. These goodies are eaten with the thought of high success in the coming year.
Kueh bangkit
Kueh bangkit is an essential best CNY goodie during New Year. Kueh bangkit in Singapore is made mainly from eggs, tapioca flour, and coconut milk. From the outside it is hard but when it comes to the mouth it melts smoothly. It is the one cookie that has a longer shelf life than other cookies.
Why is kueh bangkit important in Chinese New Year?
Kueh bangkit in Singapore are light and crunchy coconut creamy goodies that are a must-have for the Chinese New Year. It melts in the mouth with the taste of coconut bursts from within. Many CNY cookies are popular for the new year because of their behind meanings. Same as kueh bangkit has its importance in Chinese New Year. Kueh bangkit CNY goodies are baked into many categories but their meaning has changed over time. Nowadays you can find many shapes of kueh bangkit with different meanings. It comes in different forms like flowers, birds, and fruits with different symbolic meanings. The goldfish shape means prosperity and the flower shape symbolizes good fortune. Chinese want to eat different shapes of kueh bangkit by observing their meaning for getting blessings in the coming year.
Taste of kueh bangkit
If you do not taste Singapore-made kueh bangkit then it can be strange. You fall in love with them when you take them in your mouth. They gave a look of crispy shells from the outside but were deliciously soft from the inside. Mostly said for kueh bangkit that ‘melts in the mouth’ and it is actually a description of this CNY goodie. The taste is full of coconut with a fragrant and light tongue. If you taste them before then you really understand how gorgeous they are. If you are not then you need to buy them for this Chinese New Year.
If you prepare a kueh bangkit at home it is easy to prepare and after drying enough ready to use. Once it has cooled down completely you can use it on the same day and then keep it in an air-tight container and enjoy it for up to two weeks with its original taste.
Health benefits of kueh bangkit
Kueh bangkit is totally made from natural ingredients and fresh coconuts. These elements are helpful to maintain a healthy diet. These are fit for our daily nutritional requirements. One piece of Kueh bangkit with a weight of 5 grams contains 15 calories, 1 gram of fat, and 4 grams of carbohydrates. Now we are going to describe nutritional facts and health coverage of using ingredients in kueh bangkit.
Nutritional facts
- Tapioca flour is used in kueh bangkit which is low in nutrients and high in carbs. Half a cup of tapioca flour contains 170 to 200 calories. If you avoid wheat due to gluten intolerance then tapioca flour is the best option.
- Pandan leaves are used in kueh bangkit which are rich in glycosides, essential oils, and alkaloids.
- Egg yolk is used in kueh bangkit which contains 55 calories and a large amount of protein.
- Coco milk is used in kueh bangkit which has 140 calories, 3 grams of carbohydrates, and 14 grams of fats.
Health coverage
- The element of kueh bangkit Tapioca flour contains B-complex, folic acids, and vitamin K. These reduce the chances of neural tube defects in children and are helpful in stimulating neuronal activity in the brain.
- Pandan leaves are normally used as medicine to reduce blood pressure. It is also helpful for stiff joints and constipation.
- The important ingredient of kueh bangkit is Egg yolk which particularly shows promoting eye health. It protects the eye from free radicals that can damage different parts of the retina.
- Coconut is used in keuh bangkit which provides fat and antibacterial to the human body. It can destroy a wide variety of disease organisms.
Whatever you plan for this Chinese New Year and the way you used to enjoy your festival, CNY goodies from Bread Garden are a must in your feast. It is a Halal-certified bakery. Their delicious keuh bangkit can double your enjoyment of gathering. They provide you with all types of CNY goodies with real traditional taste and high-quality ingredients. So without wasting time, deliver your order to enjoy the arrival of the Chinese New Year.
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