The technological advancements in the 21st century have impacted and driven innovation in every industry, healthcare being one of them. We live in a day and age where information pertaining to every subject is readily available on the internet, unfortunately, some of us do not take advantage of it and care less about our own health, during times of illness spending a few minutes or a couple of hours researching and reading about diseases and how regular health check-ups can help prevent them and aid in leading healthier lifestyles.
Listed below are two very important tests that can help diagnose and prevent further damage to our health.
Thyroid test:
The thyroid gland is located below Adam’s apple and the main function of this gland is to secrete thyroid hormones that regulate body processes such as body temperature, respiration, digestion, pulsation and other vital metabolic processes in our bodies.
A healthy thyroid is essential in maintaining normal metabolism in the human body. The Thyroid test is conducted by collecting blood samples to check for conditions such as hypothyroidism or underactive thyroid, hyperthyroidism or overactive thyroid, thyroid-suppression, and the efficacy of hormone replacement therapy. Anxiety disorder and Atrial fibrillation are other conditions when the doctors suggest patients get their Thyroid tests done. For the convenience of patients, they can now order blood test and other tests like hormone test, thyroid test, cholesterol test online. But it is recommended to visit a lab to get your tests done. Usually you will find a phlebotomist there. If you are interested in this field, you can take a course of phlebotomy, moreover, you can get certified as a phlebotomist online as well.
Diabetes blood test:
To understand diabetes, we first need to know the importance of the insulin hormone and how it helps cells to store glucose.
Diabetes exists when the blood glucose level, also known as blood sugar, is either too low or too high. The main source of energy for our bodies is glucose in our bloodstream and that comes from the food we eat. Insulin, a hormone secreted by the pancreatic gland, helps glucose present in food enter into the cells that can be utilized for energy. Our bodies sometimes don’t produce enough of this hormone or don’t use insulin well, this stalls the entry of glucose into cells. Unfortunately, there is no cure for diabetes and if one does not manage it well then it could lead to serious health problems.
There are two different types of diabetes, type-1 and type-2, the former is where our bodies do not produce or secrete enough insulin and the latter is where it produces excess amounts of the hormone. Fortunately, getting your blood sugar levels tested to check whether you have type-1 or type-2 diabetes can help you manage your diabetes and maintain good health. You should also aware of what blood tests are used for diabetes and get it done as per the doctor suggestion.
Prevention is better than cure!
Like the old adage says, we could lead better and healthier lives if we get regular checkups done. Diagnostics help in detecting diseases early on and help Doctors prescribe suitable treatment methods, Technology has helped in not only identifying diseases but also in availing services such as shopping for pharmaceuticals or to buy medicine online. Firms like Portea make wise use of the advancements in science and technology, in cases where individuals are unable to visit a doctor or go to a hospital, they send qualified and trained personnel to your doorstep to make sure the tests are done just as they would be in a clinic or hospital.