In an age characterized by war, civil unrest, refugees, and humanitarian crises, the importance and resonance of John Donne’s immortal declaration that “Any man’s death diminishes me because I am involved in mankind” is as great as ever. We owe it to our fellow man to view them as part of mankind, as our brothers and sisters in arms, and help them accordingly. The fact that Canada has historically been seen as a kind and welcoming country for immigrants is a well-earned national badge of honour.
- Refugee Assistance
If you are a refugee, chances are you have already had to deal with enough struggle and potential tragedy. You should not face the indignity and terror of being turned away from a safe haven.
The best immigrations working in the immigration field in Canada are proud to be able to help refugees obtain and fill out the paperwork they need to stay with their families. This process can be long, complex, and potentially intimidating, but your immigration lawyer will stick by you every step of the way.
- Immigrant Assistance
The same holds true for immigrants following the traditional legal path for immigrating to Canada.
Depending on the area and nation from which you are immigrating, the process can be considerably more difficult. For example, while provinces such as Ontario and Alberta welcome many immigrants from India, Pakistan, and the Middle East, immigrants from those areas can face considerable logistical and, in some cases, legal challenges. That said, no such difficulties should stand between you and your desire to call Canada home. The best immigration attorneys specializing in assisting clients from these areas can help ensure that you get the legal assistance and representation that you need to successfully navigate the process.
- Wedding Visas
If you have met the love of your life here in The Great White North—congratulations! Now’s the time to finalize that love and work out your wedding visa so you two can start a life together in Canada. The Canadian legal system includes special provisions for allowing visas to partners of Canadian citizens following their marriage. There are a few conditions you’ll have to meet for this visa, including proof of your marriage such as a wedding certificate.
The best law firms can help you through the process of filing for and receiving a visa to enable you to stay here with your spouse.
- LGBT Acceptance
The LGBT Community has seen a huge jump in its degree of acceptance, visibility, and freedom in the past few decades, and that’s a trend we should all want to see continue.
Unfortunately, there are still many places in the world where LGBT individuals still face severe and sometimes even life-threatening persecution. Canada is proud to be an LGBT-friendly nation. Love wins, and with the help of an immigration attorney who specializes in helping LGBT individuals flee, you can gain the peace and acceptance you need and deserve here in Canada.
Seek the assistance you need with a qualified and compassionate immigration attorney in Canada like Bellissimo.
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