Having a bed bug infestation can be one of the most frustrating experiences in one’s life. You can forget about comfort while at home, especially if it is a full-blown infestation. This means the bed bugs will be in every room in the house and not just the bedrooms. Even though bed bugs don’t fly, they can move quickly on floors and ceilings. They’re also good at hiding, so spotting them might not be easy unless it is a serious infestation and there are so many that they don’t have anywhere else to hide.
The nymphs will shed their skin a total of five times before reaching maturity. The bugs can develop in under a month if the conditions are favorable and will breed over three generations in a year. That is why it is important that you take the necessary steps if you suspect a bed bug infestation in your home. You can check out EZ Bed Bug Exterminator Brooklyn if you’re looking for a permanent solution for the bedbug problem.
Where Do Bed Bugs Hide?
If you suspect you have bed bugs in the home, the first thing you will want to know is where they hide. Bed bugs can go undetected because of their small size and they don’t make any noise. Bed bugs could enter your home through clothing, luggage, and furniture. That is why buying used furniture is not always advisable as you might never know the reason why it is being sold in the first place.
Once the bed bugs have entered your house, it is only a matter of time before they scatter to different areas. They could also spread to nearby houses if it is an apartment block.
When Bed Bugs Bite
Bed bugs are usually active at night. They hibernate during the day because of the light. They have an elongated beak that pierces the skin of a human to draw blood. A bug could feed for less than 10 minutes then go away unnoticed. The bites will be painless at first but you’re likely to experience the itchiness after some time. Bed bugs will bite around the ankles because this is one of the areas that is exposed when someone is sleeping. One might attribute the itchiness and the redness of the skin to mosquito bites if they’re not aware of the bedbug infestation.
Signs of Infestation
You know you definitely have bed bugs when you wake up with itchy areas on your skin which were not there when you went to sleep. You’re also likely to notice bloodstains on your sheets. This will be a sign that can’t be ignored and you will have no option but to call an exterminator. Dark rusty spots is also another sign of bedbugs. This is usually excrement from the pest. Bed bugs are also known to have a musty odor that is offensive to the nose.
The only way you can confirm your fears is by doing a thorough inspection of the house. Remove the bedding and inspect the corners and seams of the mattress for any signs of bed bugs. Make sure to check the areas around the bed as you don’t want to leave anything to chance. Once you’ve confirmed the infestation, the next step would be to look for a solution.
Home remedies are usually not recommended if you’re looking for a permanent solution. Getting rid of bed bugs completely is a challenging endeavor. You might think you’ve killed all of them only for you to witness a fresh outbreak. The best remedy would be to look for an experienced exterminator so every corner of the house is being treated.
A good exterminator should be experienced as that will give you the confidence that the problem is taken care of so that comfort in the home is restored. You should also ask them about the products that they’ll be using. You don’t want your home to be a no-go zone for weeks after the exterminator is done with work.
For a more accurate assessment, consider seeking professional bed bug inspection services using dogs to ensure a thorough and accurate evaluation of the problem.
General Cleanliness
You can avoid or detect bed bug infestations early if the home is clean. Having clutter everywhere will only mean more hiding spots for the bed bugs. Everything should be well organized. The mattresses should also be cleaned regularly. Don’t wait until the problem gets out of hand before you start looking for a solution. The signs of infestation will be too obvious to be ignored.
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