Geography is one of the all-encompassing sciences. It includes both physical geography and economic geography, which are, on the one hand, very different and, on the other, closely related. After all, a country’s economy cannot be independent of its natural conditions. The history of this science begins, according to researchers, back in the time of the Ancient East. And the teaching of Geography in school as a separate subject began as early as the seventeenth century. Before that, the geography course was studied together with the history course. And knowledge of countries was also given by interpreting scripture or studying works of classical literature.
Research paper on geography, history, and any other subject as a form of work is good for those who studied in college or institute, even some schools apply this form of assignment. In addition, the abstract has one big advantage: you can write it on any topic and for any subject (from “History of the Great Geographical Discoveries” to “Hydroacoustic method of studying the World Ocean”).
There are two main types of research paper:
- Reproductive (outline and summary);
- Productive (report and review).
Their main difference is whether the abstract contains the student’s point of view. Thus, reproductive ones contain only information that has been outlined from scientific papers or sources. It is the understanding and coherence of the presentation of information that is evaluated, it is not required to express their assessment. On the contrary, in productive essays, in addition to an overview of the topic, it is necessary to put forward a hypothesis and draw conclusions or propose your ways of solving the problem. Of course, the second type is considered more complex, but the first type is not as simple as it seems.
To write a reproductive geography research paper for an excellent grade, let alone a productive one, you need to find, read, and outline several scientific works. Teachers do not always give a list of literature that can be used, most often the student must search and choose it on their own. If a student is stumped, it would be wiser to seek essay writing help from writemypaper service instead of waiting for the deadline to pass. The experienced staff will help with the essay and then make edits if necessary.
Geography research paper should have the following structure, which, however, is mandatory for other subjects:
- Title page;
- Contents (necessarily on a separate sheet);
- Introduction (you need to disclose the topic, purpose, and objectives of the essay);
- The main part (possibly divided into several chapters);
- Conclusion;
- List of references.
Textbooks and monographs on geographical sciences contain information that has already entered the scientific turnover. Of course, they should be considered, but newer discoveries and research are contained in the articles of scientific journals, as well as collections that contain the results of conferences.
Subject tutorials often contain lists of sample topics on which students can write research paper. Some instructors allow you to take another topic without coordinating with them, while others write down all the selected topics and with them, you need to agree. In any case, sample topics are a good template for writing your own properly. If you find yourself with a difficult topic for a research paper, contact the best college essay writing service to find qualified help. Many students use the services of professional writers when they see the need. You can entrust your paper to an expert from one of the best writing services to complete your other tasks or take time for rest if you are tired.
Sample topics for geography research papers can vary widely, such as:
- The role of mathematical and cartographic modeling in geography;
- Applications of geosystem models;
- Languages of the peoples of India;
- Results of demographic policies using China as an example;
- Major global problems of the Earth’s nature;
- Geographical features of the Far North;
- Exploration of uranium deposits and the like.
The most important part of a geography research paper is the conclusion, which contains a refined topic and conclusions on the work. Many teachers, first of all, evaluate the conclusion, because by it you can determine how the author of the abstract can highlight the main point and make logical conclusions. If you’re having difficulty writing conclusions, you can help find help on paper writing service reddit online. Feel free to ask for help when you feel the need.
In the modern world, the role of geography has taken on a special significance. It is primarily due to increasing globalization and the strengthening of ties between countries. For students, the names of cities and countries no longer seem like useless information, so interest in geography has not waned.
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