Somatic movement is being performed consciously and the intention of this movement is not the result of the movement or the external appearance but the internal experience. Others may see it boring and far from what they really want to do, but considering the benefits it can provide not just with your physique but also emotions, mental state and capabilities, there is absolutely no reason not to try somatic movement online.
There are a lot of institutions around the internet like the Native State that teach people the somatic movement. Finding the right platform to learn it from is easy, but it is sustaining the interest that makes it harder to consider.
To any form of exercise, finding the reason to sustain interest is not easy to find, but because it is for your benefit, there is no reason why would you take this aside.
True that it can be very challenging, but needless to say, there are many ways you can do to make sure that your interest in it will not fade away:
- Consider gaining friends
Gaining friends even if you are attending classes virtually is possible. Sure, sharing the same sentiments, goals and aspirations to friends can make the activity more engaging. Keeping it just to yourself is sometimes not fun, hence finding an outlet where your ideas are reciprocated is indeed an interest booster.
If you think that building friendship within your class is impossible, encourage your friends to join you during your classes. There is actually nothing wrong if you ask them to join, especially that there are a lot of benefits they can get from it.
- Celebrate small victories
Attending classes without absences for 3 days can be considered a victory and something that is worth to celebrate. Looking forward for small victories can push you to do more and achieve more. Do not deprive yourself a pat on the back, true that any form of exercise is hard to sustain, hence when you are successful sustaining a few, there is no reason why won’t you give yourself a credit.
- Attend your classes religiously
The hardest can be the first few classes, but when your system gets used to it, things will be easier to handle and maintain. Even how lazy you are waking up, push yourself and try to condition your mind about attending the class. Do not skip especially on the earlier part, as giving up most of the time happens during this time.
Give this exercise a chance and see the benefits it can bring to your life.
- Keep an eye on a goal
Set a goal, short or long term, so when you are not in the mood to attend a class, you have something to look back at. Your goal should be achievable and best if you will decide on it together with a practitioner. Your goal will serve as your motivation to push harder and not let go on any of your somatic movement class.
- Remember the many benefits this can provide
There are tons of benefits you can get from somatic movement exercise, and these you have to keep in mind and replay to your head over and over when you are giving up. The benefits you can get from it is more than enough to keep you motivated to hold on. If there is a way that you can be healed to your different life’s dilemma without taking any medication or going under the needle, why won’t you consider it, right? This is the safest way to be treated, hence there is no reason why you are not taking the chance.
- Do not overdo it
One of the reasons why some people are overwhelmed with their exercise is they overdo it. They tend to do more than what is only supposed to be done. Doing it everyday may not be needed, same as depriving yourself with a good rest. Overdoing it will just end you up exhausted and tired of exercising.
- Attend classes you really enjoy
There are many classes available for you to attend, and choosing classes you know can give you the enjoyment that you need is what you have to consider. There are classes that are boring, and scratching them out from your list is a good idea. Do not push yourself attending classes that are boring, there are a lot of institutions offering this training, hence you have a lot to choose from.
- Do not rush the results
The result cannot be achieved after one or two days, sometimes it takes weeks or even longer. Rushing the result will just make you feel disappointed, heartbroken and sooner no interest joining the exercises. Give it time, and best to talk to your practitioner for more accurate goal setting.
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