Running a business in retail is hard. But it can be harder for customers. You can make it better and easier if you supercharge customer service at all levels. This includes dealing with in-store and online issues. From greeting customers to managing supply issues, here are some ideas.
Speed Up In-Store Wait Times
No one likes waiting, especially these days. A full store is a great thing as it means you are making money and doing something right. But this also means customers will wait longer to pay for their goods. And some will even leave if they see a massive queue. So, how do you get around this? Effective queue management and multiple EPOS systems will help. You can also use a modern EPOS system with a contactless credit card reader to take queue payments.
Greet and Remember Your Customers
It sounds silly, but greeting customers goes a long way. Customers love to feel valued and that they aren’t just a number. This is why large corporate stores like Walmart hire greeters. Studies have shown that greeting helps put customers in a good mood and contributes to increased sales. Remembering customers increases the associated customer satisfaction. For an online business, you can consider making a greeting or thank you video after a successful sale.
Supercharge Customer Service by Addressing Issues
It always helps to be hands-on and proactive in your business. Without this, you can become detached and lose sight of what customers need and where things are going wrong. One of the most common issues these days is with shipping, for example, with online stores. As an eCommerce vendor, shipping isn’t your fault when it goes wrong, but often a customer doesn’t know this. Rather than fob them off, call your shipping partner to find out what is going on.
Have a Plan for Supply Issues
As we are all well aware, supply chain issues can be a massive headache. The past couple of years have seen more shortages than usual. A supply chain issue with raw materials was in full swing and was made worse by the Covid-19 pandemic. However, in almost all cases, there are alternatives available. You can avoid angry customers and make them happy with alternative brands, excess stock, and accurate data as to when their products will be back in stock.
Hire Knowledgeable Employees
Employees who know about your business and the products you sell are invaluable. Have you ever walked into a computer store to enquire about RAM with only a blank face as a retort? Yeah, you aren’t alone. So, if you run a business that specializes in something like tech, fashion, or even books, make sure your employees know what they are selling. At the very least, they can answer questions. But when they know your business, they can help boost your sales.
Speeding up waiting times with queue management and remote payments is a great way to supercharge customer service. It also helps to address issues such as shipping, even though they aren’t your fault. And always try to hire employees who know about your business.
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