Although there are many teaching methods, flashcards have undoubtedly become very popular. These flashcards, or flashcards as they are also called, are very interesting because you can use them to write down various notes that will help you learn better in class.
If you haven’t yet used flashcards to supplement your notes, the essay writers from this service will cover the meaning of flashcards, their types, and how to create them so you can start using them now.
What is a study card?
Study cards are flashcards that allow you to memorize concepts, dates, vocabulary, or other material seen in class. In fact, these study materials are more important than you think. They are easy to take with you wherever you go because they are small in size.
Thus, they don’t take up space and you can store them anywhere to take with you, especially if you need to review notes for an exam. They are also perfect for when you don’t have much to study because their design allows you to add only the specific concepts you need to memorize.
The truth is that study sheets are very versatile because, in addition to being useful for pre-test preparation, they are a great aid if you have to speak in class or make a presentation.
Also, if you have trouble remembering certain topics or concepts, these flashcards will help you remember them easily.
How are flashcards classified?
Flashcards are classified as follows:
Bibliographic or reference flashcards
These are flashcards that will help you at the end of your assignments. In addition, the information we add to these types of cards can be taken from newspapers, magazines, graphics, websites, and more.
Content flashcards
Content flashcards are for the learner’s personal use. You can write down ideas or concepts that you think are important from a lecture or topic you have been reading about. They are classified as follows: study flashcards, text flashcards, free flashcards, and debriefing flashcards.
Factsheets also fall into the content card category. They can briefly describe the function or characteristics of a component. Therefore, they are mostly used by technical specialists, such as engineers.
What are the types of flashcards?
Just as there are classifications of study sheets, there are several types of study sheets, which we will discuss below:
Lined cards
Lined cards are made of paper or cardboard and contain lines. Therefore, you can write on their line by line, and, best of all, they can be easily purchased at your nearest bookstore.
However, such cards can also be made by hand on a piece of notebook paper.
Plain cards
They are called plain because they are cards made of cardboard or paper with no lines. They can be any color and you can get them anywhere. You can also make them by hand on paper or a white sheet of paper.
So if you are interested in making charts or an outline, you can use regular index cards.
Electronic cards
Unlike ruled or plain cards, these can be made on a computer, tablet, or cell phone. Their design is similar to other worksheets, but you can easily save them to your electronic device. That way, you can keep them organized and even share them.
There are apps to help you design these electronic cards, here are some examples: EdApp, Brainscape, StudyStack, Cram, AnkiApp, MemoStack, etc. You can even use Word to make them a more common resource.
What are the parts of a study card?
It is important to know that there are several types of study cards. However, this post is about studying flashcards. Therefore, before we start creating a study flash card, we will explain to you what parts it consists of:
- Topic
- Bibliographic information
- Title
- Content
How to make flashcards?
There are a few rules to follow when making flashcards:
Maintain uniformity
The information on the flashcard must be put together uniformly. Thus, ideally, the title should describe what will go into the text.
Add the title and parts of it at the top of the sheet
To comply with this rule, you should place the subtopic in the center of the top of the tab. The source from which the card content was extracted is also added at the top right of the card. And on the next line, the title of the card.
Make the title as short as possible
In a study sheet, the title should be short. This way, you can identify the cards you need and classify them by subject while studying.
Use only one side of the card
The idea behind creating a study sheet is to add information in an organized order. Therefore, it is advisable to use only one side of the card, otherwise, classification will be more difficult.
Final Words
In conclusion, there is no standard rule for developing a training flashcard. However, some institutions use some of them as a guide. As a student, you can use the one that is most convenient for you, as long as you can get the most out of it when studying your records.
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