Football, cricket or rugby—these are the three activities we probably think of whenever we hear the word sports. Whereas yoga, HIIT, and other cardio workouts at the gym are the things, we imagine whenever the word fitness comes to mind.
But, what about sports and fitness at the same time? Through various safe sports and exercises, we can consider that as physical activity in itself. There are numerous ways to incorporate your pick-up sports with your fitness regime at the same time. However, for some people who are not able to participate in any these activities, replacing your workout routine into sports (or vice versa) is one option you should be considering.
A fitness expert from explained that sports such as running, swimming, tennis, playing soccer and more could help you burn calories—just like when you’re running on a treadmill or doing cardio exercises. However, as we have mentioned above, sports shouldn’t be your only form of exercise.
It is possible that sports or any other physical activities can be your contemporary workout. Swimming, running, cycling and many more can take the place of some serious cardio, but sports shouldn’t be your only form of exercise.
Staying active in sports such as playing football, cricket or rugby games with your local team or a bunch of friends can be a top-notch substitute for your regular workout program. So, if you’re thinking about how to balance your pick-up sports and gym time at the same time—relax, you’re in the right article.
Here are some answers to your question. As long as you’re getting a good workout and are breaking a sweat during your pick-up games—it can take the place of your designated gym sessions.
You can’t just show up every Saturday and play great if you’re a weekend warrior with a game every weekend. The best thing you can do during the week is to work those muscles and practice the skills that are important to your sport.
In fact, you don’t need to do any other cardio or interval training throughout the week as long as your goal is wellness and fitness, and if you’re not training for an endurance event. For instance, if you play rugby or play football two nights per week and during each of those games, you get in a good hour of running.
Realistically, you should aim to partake in three sessions per week. This will allow you to use your time at the gym to focus on strength training instead, saving two days for recovery. Depending on the time you can devote to your goal, your workout regimen may vary. Nevertheless, the smartest move you can do is to focus on sport-specific movements and drills for a large part of your time.
Here we have listed the fantastic benefits that sports and fitness can guarantee you.
- Benefits of Regular Physical Activity
- If you are regularly physically active, here are the immediate and long-term health benefits you can obtain:
- Reduces the risk of stroke or heart attack
- Strengthens your bones and muscles
- Reduces the risk of developing Osteoporosis
- Lowers blood pressure and blood cholesterol level
- Manages your weight better
- A healthier state of mind as exercise helps people with depression
To increase your physical activity on a daily basis, you can start making a small step by walking or cycling to your destination (school, supermarket, office, etc.,) Or, get off the bus or train a stop or two earlier than your usual stop destination forcing you to walk the rest of the way.
Below are some of the importance of sports in our daily lives and the reasons why we should all consider it as one of our lifestyles.
Strength and Coordination
Did you know that HGH hormones are the ones who are responsible for the growth of an individual? With sports, it will not only help individuals to improve their HGH hormones but also develop better coordination.
Sports Build Character
Numerous studies have proven that these two traits, discipline and punctuality, are commonly seen in people doing sports. This is one of the fantastic benefits that sports can guarantee the individuals—it helps them not only build their muscles but also helps them improve their characters.
Teamwork and Fair Play
They say, “teamwork makes the dream work.” The value of teamwork is one of the beautiful traits that an individual could learn and adapt from learning sports. Just think of how can an individual can apply this kind of attribute not only in the sports community but also in every aspect of his/her life.
Sports as a Career
There are countless opportunities to choose a sports career that fits or will fit you! Basketball, volleyball, football, tennis and other well-known sports can be your career path someday. If you’re really eager, you can enroll at one of the best football academies and play at the Super Bowl or get into a college scholarship supported by the NBA
We have mentioned before that you substitute your workout regime and make sports as your contemporary workout. In case you are interested in this idea, here are some of the fantastic benefits of doing sports as a workout.
- Improves cardiovascular health
- Strengthens immune system
- Mental health benefits
- Lower risk of diabetes, stroke and heart disease
- Reduces blood pressure
- Improves muscular strength, endurance, joint flexibility and range of motion
- Physical Activity Guidelines
Did you know that engaging in any form of physical activity is better than doing nothing throughout the day? You should also be aiming to stay active on most days of the week. Doing muscle-strengthening activities at least two days each week will also do.
Try to accumulate one ¼ to 2 ½ hours of vigorous intensity physical activity or two and a half to five hours of any moderate intensity physical activity. Or you can perform each week of an equivalent combination of both moderate and vigorous activities.
Bottom Line
The way you balance your pick-up sports and gym time should always depend on your goals. If you want to perform at an all-star level on the court (or field), you have the power to decrease the volume of your gym time. And if you want to gain 20 pounds of muscle, you can limit your time on the court (or field), according to him.
Author Bio: Isabel Speckman is a North Carolina-based freelance writer and work-from-home mother of three. In her 10 years as a professional writer, she’s worked in proposal management, grant writing, and content creation. Her writing skills may be confirmed independently on
Personally, she’s passionate about teaching her family how to stay safe, secure and action-ready in the event of a disaster or emergency.
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