Traveling without our laptops is supposed to help us relax. However, some of us just can’t bear not having these valuable assets with us. You know what we’re talking about, right?
You feel anxious without your computer because even though you’re not working, there could still be some emergencies that need your attention. Plus, having your laptop with you means having your own guide, travel agent, and entertainment center.
It’s decided; your laptop’s coming with you on your trip. Here are some of the precautions you need to take to keep it safe.
Tips to Safeguard Your Laptop
1. Bring a Laptop Bag
Thieves aren’t the only people you have to worry about; in fact, there’s a good chance you may end up ruining your laptop before a thief even gets their hands on it. How’s this going to happen?
Well, if you don’t put your computer inside a secure laptop bag, it could happen as soon as you get to the airport. You could squeeze your laptop into a too-tight spot or drop it, causing it to crack and scratch.
A simple laptop bag, one that’s not too over the top so that it doesn’t attract any unwanted attention, would suffice. Choose a bag that comes with features like zippers resistant to tampering and fabric that is slash proof. It’s also important to keep the bag within your view and reach at all times.
2. Make Sure Your Laptop Is Safe at the Hotel
You won’t be able to bring your laptop with you wherever you go. In these instances, your computer will likely end up in a hotel room.
Remember to place the “Do Not Disturb” sign on the doorknob before you leave for some sightseeing. Your room may not be clean when you get back, but rest assured, you’ll find your laptop in the same spot you left it.
3. Get an Anti-Theft Device
An anti-theft device works similarly to a bicycle lock. Connect the device to your laptop and loop it around an immovable object before locking it with a key or combination.
There’s a slew of high-quality options on the market you won’t mind spending money on, especially since these locks will come with an alarm and motion sensor system. That way, when a person tries to remove your laptop, their movements will trigger the alarm and alert you to the attempted theft.
4. Purchase Insurance
Travel insurance can literally change the way you travel. It makes you feel more secure for yourself and your stuff.
A policy that covers theft and damage to personal items would be a great one to buy. You’ll want to make sure the amount fully covers the purchase of a new computer.
5. Install Antivirus Software
WiFi networks that you don’t normally use can make your laptop vulnerable to security breaches. Make sure your antivirus software is up to date and running when connecting to the airport or hotel WiFi.
Avoid doing any online banking or shopping when connecting to unfamiliar networks. If you really have to do it, make sure the website you are visiting is secure or has a padlock icon and a URL that starts with an “https”.
6. Get a VPN
If you need to use public WiFi networks constantly, consider getting a VPN or Virtual Private Network. With this service, you can safeguard your internet connection by encrypting all incoming and outgoing data. The VPN also allows you to gain access to online content that isn’t available in certain geographical regions.
7. Get a Theft Recovery Software
A theft recovery software bumps up your chances to recover your stolen laptop. This software allows you to find out the location of your laptop so you can have authorities retrieve it. Purchase high-quality software that works even when all your data has been deleted and a new operating system has been installed.
8. Jot Down Laptop Details
Take note of your laptop’s specifications before you jet off to your destination. The model, make, and serial number can go a long way to helping you recover a stolen computer. You’ll also want to take pictures of your laptop, focusing on distinguishing features, like dents and scratches.
9. Back Your Data Up
More often than not, it’s the information stored in your laptop that’s more important than the laptop itself. Protect yourself by backing up your data and storing them in an external hard drive.
If sensitive files won’t be used on your trip, consider deleting the copies of them on your computer. That way, even if you lose your laptop, you don’t have to worry about valuable information getting into the wrong hands.
Final Thoughts
Take note of all our tips before jetting off with your laptop. If you simply have to bring your computer with you, do so while keeping it safe from damage, loss, and theft.
Remember that, most of the time, losing the sensitive information stored in your laptop hurts more than losing the laptop itself. When valuable data kept on your laptop is breached, your personal information, as well as those of the people you work for, can be compromised.
For more information on how to protect your laptop from theft, click here for details.
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