While many of us desire a chiselled streamlined appearance a glance in the mirror can reveal some excess facial fat that creates the dreaded submental fullness otherwise known as the “double chin.”
This condition can occur as a result of weight issues, or anatomical structure, or it might even be hereditary or the result of postnatal weight gain.
Needless the say the majority of people who develop (or inherit) this feature are a little uncomfortable with it: some of whom consider surgery to reshape the chin.
There are surgical and non-surgical solutions to the removal of submental fullness.
What is double chin surgery?
Cosmetic surgeons use a variety of procedures to deal with the removal of a double chin.
Liposuction, usually under a local anaesthetic, removes fat from beneath the skin and sculpts the chin by making a small incision, inserting a tube and using suction to remove the excess fat and reshape the neck contour to create the removal of a double chin.
Face-lift surgery is normally performed under a general anaesthetic and allows doctors to remove fat and loose, saggy skin around the chin. Small incisions are made around the ears and under the chin to access the muscles and tissues beneath. A skilled specialized surgeon tightens neck muscles and removes any excess skin and neck fat. The incisions are closed with sutures and dressed.
Neck-lift surgery uses a combination of procedures aimed to remove extra skin (cervicoplasty) or tighten neck muscles (platysmaplasty) improving the overall contours of the neck and chin areas. Surgeons often employ a combination of the aforementioned traditional face-lift with a face-lift procedure.
Non-surgical chin sculpting uses HIFU (high-intensity focused ultrasound technology) to reduce fat and tighten the skin permanently resulting in double chin removal. Your facial area will naturally break down the dead fat in the treatment area over a period of time, and new collagen will form, helping to lift and tighten the chin and jawline. This non-invasive treatment is becoming more popular for those nervous about more invasive surgical procedures and may involve some follow-up sessions.
Double chin surgery or non-surgical treatment recommendations should be carried out by a specialist doctor based on your skin condition and desired results. While surgery can correct a double chin it can also help with sagging or loose skin on the neck.
Neck lift surgery can correct a double chin, as well as sagging or loose skin on the neck. Sometimes, doctors perform a neck liposuction and a neck lift together. They may also suggest these procedures along with a facelift or chin augmentation. Side effects of surgery can include swelling, bruising, loss of facial sensitivity, pigmentation changes to the skin, infection, and facial asymmetry. For these reasons, it might be a better first step to consult with a clinic about non-surgical techniques such as HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultra
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